My wife and I opened a box of each and we found them rather easy to identify by feeling the bags... there are some very distinctive parts... I don't remember if it has been posted elsewhere but here are my suggestions for feeling out the figures.
Blue Box
1. Blue Knight - the funky dragon knight shield
2. American Football Player - the pads/breastplate... you may have to slide it off the torso to make sure... also the football itself
3. Boxer/Rocky - first the cape... then the gloves... (or just make sure there is no scythe)
4. Mummy - the hobo stick
5. Zorro - the hat... and if you still aren't sure, it is the only one with a short flexible cape too
6. Pizza Chef - the pizza tray and the apron
7. Rocker - the vest... this may also require you to slide it off the torso within the bag... but it is the best way as the guitar is not assembled
8. Uncle Same - The top hat
9. Grim Reaper - cape and scythe
10. Trophy winner - the trophy/scroll/or hood
11. Dragon knight - the shield is the biggest giveaway - the crossbow also helps (wings can be hard to pin down in the bag)
12. Executioner - the hood (hood is flexible plastic so be aware of that) and the axe (also the neck piece if you want to do that)
Pink Box
1. Princess - skirt, and then the hat cone is the most distinguishing feature, "popcorn" can also be useful
2. Fairy - wings and wand
3. Snow Queen - skirt and then the hat
4. Rocker - Microphone
5. Mountain Hiker - the scarf
6. Robber Woman - the sack... also the hat
7. Er... Cargo Pants woman - the little hood and the pants
8. Witch - Cape first... it is also a flexible cape... then the hat
9. Rider - the hat and the crop
10. Cave Woman - the utensil accessories, the baby carrier, and if you are lucky... the baby
she also has very distinctive short legs and skirt and these clip in differently that any others.
11. Mermaid - uh... the fish tail... and the crown id that doesn't do it for you
12. The Other princess - skirt, the hair has a hole in the top for the crown to sit in, and the mirror and brush (also NO HAT CONE