No story to go with them this second, just pics.
It may be hard to tell, but the Baronial Guardsman is actually a Guards
WOman (it nearly killed me to make the adjustments needed to get her in the livery, but I can live with it now that it’s done).
(And yes, that is a necktie he is wearing.)
The Baronial Bodyguards (or Guardsmen) are a lance of 06 men and women that answer ONLY to Baron MEEKS himself, and are all related to him. One is his daughter, two are sons, one is a grandson (not by any of the other Guardsmen, though), and the other two are a nephew and a niece (illegitimate daughter).
They exist for one thing, and one thing only- to protect the Baron’s life, at the cost of their own if necessary.
They are armed with Type-3 Auto pistols () and Type-1 Rifles (). They are armored by Type-2 Non-Modular Body Armor.
The Baronial Guardsmen are another lance (also 06) of security specialists actually raised by Duke HELMOND. Baron MEEKS didn’t know what to do with them, so he assigned them to secure buildings and places he would be visiting or staying. Though they have horses (the Baronial Bodyguards don’t have horses), they are mainly for show, not for actual use. With exception of a Type-10 Helmet (available upon need, and not general issue), they are armed and equipped exactly like the Bodyguards.