Your Vampiress looks great! The dress suits her very well.
The torso is from 4550 Midnight Witch Special. The skirt from 4591 Evil Queen.
The collar, I don't recall anymore which figure it was off.
In hindsight, I don't like the wide gold cuffs. Smaller ones would probably look better.
¡THANKS! Now, if I can ever collect the pieces (oh…), Lady DRĂCULEŞTI will be getting a sister…
And everyone else (yes, I read them all), thank you. Ironically, I’d be a Team Jacob (at least according to my step daughter and niece), but anyways…
EDIT: Oh, ya, I forgot… FWIW, “Cuffs” for me have meaning. Gold Cuffs mean a certain noble/royal level, short cuffs meaning lesser nobility. Yellow is military (long means higher ranking), long grey and tan meaning cavalry. Long white cuffs mean flag-level staff (Generals and Admirals). Long blue cuffs mean knights (of any sort- Knights who happen to be militry officers keep their blue cuffs over their white or yellow cuffs).
Lady DRĂCULEŞTI is old-school Nobility- Even before the people that Baron MEEKS came from came to Mixan, Lady DRĂCULEŞTI’S people ruled the world.