More great customs Andrew! Have you posted any of these on Garden Wargaming?
Having just one or two klicky bodies to work with certainly creates a customising challenge, but I think you cleared the bar with style. The Black Leopard on white/red is my favorite pure heraldry, but they only did one slim and one fat body AFAIK, and most of my guys have the longer black bob hairstyle. The green/black mercenaries are great too.
I have a huge crate full of knights to sort out when I move to my new house in mid-April, and many of them will require further customisation if I'm going to be able to recognise individual figures. There's one German collector who names all his figures and keeps the name on a scroll in the hollow head. I'm not sure I'll ever get into that level of detail, but it's something to think about for major characters.
Do you use the figures in tabletop wargames at all? I plan to try a few wargames based on the old Cry Havoc rules when I have the table space for it.