Ahoi Playmofriends,
I finally found my way to this board... Some people will already know me from 'the other side' and I'm glad to find some 'missing persons' back when looking at the member list
NAME: David
AGE: 32 (this year in July - as old as PM)
LOCATION: Belgium - Aalst (I like carnival)
CHILDREN: Only the child within me
MARRIED: No, but living together with my girlfriend (we know each other for almost 12y)
WORK: I work in IT; looking for new job because this one's boring
HOBBIES: he he, what do you think
PLAYMOBIL: Especially pirate collector, but also medieval & western...
HOW DID IT START: As a child I was fond of PM... Unfortunately I never got the pirate ship from Santa
I guess I played with PM until the mid-80's (without the pirate ship - grrrrrrrrrr - although I had some pirates). Last year (December 2004) I was bored searching ebay for CD's (boring job, remember), so I was thinking: what should I search now... And then it happened: let's search for the PM pirate ship... I bought my first 3750 from ebay France (about 80 EUR, including shipping) and a few days later the second one in a second hand shop for 6 EUR. My primary goal was to have a nice ship that was complete, and then it would stop
In the meantime I already bought several ship wrecks. Some of them were destined to customize (resulted in the Lionheart, Victory, Punisher and within a few weeks the Santa Maria); others were sold after being restored in order to win some money back... Just like Capitain Henry I'm creating my own sails and stickers (he was my example)
WEB SITE: www.deadeye.be The purpose of the web site is in the first place to have a central place where I can view my collection from everywhere in the world (where there's an internet connection), because it makes me happy
So, you won't find a lot of text (at this moment); only pictures & a guestbook...
So, that's about it in a nutshell...