Hi all,
It was pointed out to me that I forgot to introduce myself properly. I guess the excitement got the best of me!
Well, I'm a father of two, who put his pirate collection in storage when the first one arrived. Now, five years later, I decided to revive my hobby - or atleast try. So far, my eldest has been showing loads of interest in the stuff I revealed, but unfortunately, he hasn't been taking proper care of them, so he ain't getting my REAL treasures, hehe
Living on this lovely island in the Mediterranean is a blessing, not just because of the awesome weather almost all year around, but also because the clickies we all enjoy so much are made over here (the big stuff, like cars and houses are made elsewhere). The factory is a joy to visit, as they have a lovely play area that is appreciated by kids of all ages (up till 10 or so). To conclude my introduction, a picture of my darlings at the play area.