I still have not been able to get the Spanish method to work for me.
Have you seen this post by Socrates? (It's back in 2005 ...)
http://www.playmofriends.com/forum/index.php?topic=121.0I was a bit desperate to disassemble the klickys, once I still have very few of them ... And I was thinking about putting a topic about it, then I decided to search for old "how-tos" before, and found this tutorial by Socrates, and decided to try. I didn't have a thick elastic band, so I used the common thin one that everyone has at home ... I never imagined it was going to work out so easily, and I have to say that I was astounded to see the strength that even a very thin elastic band shows: it's (nearly) impossible to disassemble a klicky with your hands only ... The elastic works like magic! All you have to do is to put it (very tight, the more, the better) around the head. Then, when you turn the head, the elastic band makes the rest ... I'm at awe! I still don't understand (or don't want to believe) about the physics of the operation but it works. (I will have to take the fact to a friend of mine, engeneer, so that he may (easily) put thought on it and explain me so that I can understand ... But, understanding or not, it does work. And I agree with Socrates that it seems to inflict less damage to the klickys.)
I was having problems with the fat klickys also and just kept putting them aside until I had a herd of corpulent klickys on my hands! Sylvia's suggestion about swapping the fat klicky legs for those of a thinner figure and then using the Hans method worked very well for me.
I still don't have common (assorted
) klicky legs to spare on this yet, but I'll give it a try, as soon as I get one.