Author Topic: Transformer advice  (Read 1075 times)

Offline savvas

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Transformer advice
« on: February 15, 2025, 13:38:34 »
Ladies and gemtlemen, i would like to have an advice about the purchase of a transformer. I have a train system thats consists in steaming mary and 10 more cars. unforunately, my playmobil transformer has not suficient power and the train runs slowly. I would like to pass to a lgb tranformer, can you advise me of a model? Europe, 220v, no need for signs and other stuff, just pure traction. Is 50110 suitable?

Thank you

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2025, 17:42:51 »
The Playmobil track-powered locos were designed for up to 14 volts.  The 50110 is 18v and designed for DCC trains so you may damage the loco using it.

As regards train lengths, the Playmobl train catalogues show a maximum of five wagons being drawn by a loco.
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Offline savvas

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2025, 16:00:39 »
So, it means that more cars cannot been added, right?

Offline savvas

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2025, 16:03:17 »
Also another question. Can i add a 2nd motor/tractor for more power?

Offline playmofire

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2025, 16:43:51 »
So, it means that more cars cannot been added, right?

No, you can add more cars but it may mean that the motor isdamaged if the weight is too much or you run it too long with a lot of cars.
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Offline playmofire

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2025, 16:54:54 »
Also another question. Can i add a 2nd motor/tractor for more power?

Possibly, yes.  Other Playmobil locomotives with a tender -,de,*&fmt=auto&strip=true&qlt=80&unsharp=0,1,0.9,1&fmt.jpeg.interlaced=true,,de,*&fmt=auto&strip=true&qlt=80&unsharp=0,1,0.9,1&fmt.jpeg.interlaced=true - did have a motor in the tender.

If you can post a photo of the underneath of the tender, it may be possible to answer your question.
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Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2025, 18:28:46 »
1. /1st Trafo
Richtig, Playobiltrafos gehen bloß bis 16V - aber das heißt nicht, daß die Motoren nicht mehr abkönnten. Ich habe Loks regelmäßig an LGB-Trafos betrieben. Digital bekommen sie sogar bis zu 21V. Und bei mir ist noch nie etwas kaputtgegangen. Allerdings ist für die Zugkraft auch die Stromstärke von Bedeutung. Die 0,3 - 0,5A bei den kleinen Playmobiltrafos sind nicht so richtig viel.
ABER: der LGB 50110 ist kein Fahrtrafo, sondern nur für die Versorgung von Lampen und Weichen gedacht!

Correct, playmobil trafos provide but 16V, nontheless they usually don't break down when running under 18 V. I've even let trains run digitally at 21V without any complications. Besides it's not just V that matters, but A as well. And 0.3 - 0.5A as provided by small playmobils transfomers isn't that much.
Though BEWARE: LGB 50110 is not for running trains. It's just a power supply for lights and points!

2./2nd Zugkraft / traction
Bedenke, daß bei der Steaming Mary neben den Hängern auch noch die Lok geschoben werden muß! Du kannst mit zusätzlichen Gewichten im Tender die Zugkraft steigern, doch irgendwann dürften sich die Kunststoffzahnräder des Getriebes verabschieden. Das habe ich zwar noch nicht erlebt, doch ausschließen kann ich's ned.

Bear in mind your Steaming Mary is an unlocomoting locomotive ;-). There're not just trucks and coaches to be moved but the engine itself as well. Additional weight in the tender will improve traction. But as gears are made of plastic they might break some day. Though I must admit: I've never seen baggy gears in a playmobil gearbox.

3. / 3rd Zwei Motoren / a second motor
Ich habe von Versuchen, die Lok selbst zu motorisieren, gelesen. Die gingen schief. Aber das hier wäre eine Option...
Steam Ross mit Zusatztender - Youtube KLICK
Watch the vid to see a possibility to add a second motor. Doing so by customizing the loco has never been successfull up to now - as far as I know at least.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2025, 18:45:34 by Junker Jörg »
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Offline Rasputin

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2025, 14:29:09 »
Some engines had rubber traction bands on the drive wheels ….set #7231
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Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2025, 15:58:36 »
Some engines had rubber traction bands on the drive wheels ….set #7231

Meines Wissens war das bei jeder Lok der Fall, richtig.

Any loco/motor should have one wheel provided with a rubber traction band, as far as I know.

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Offline savvas

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Re: Transformer advice
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2025, 09:18:54 »
Hi everyone, i tried attaching photos but space limit is too low. So, one with the belly of the tender stating 4-14 V - 10W, and the other with the entire train (now it is 9 motor/cars and it will be 12 eventually). I have the 4375 transformer which is weak and i want to replace it. With the maximum amperage possible. No care if playmobil (4359) or lgb? Which model lgb should i pick up?

Thank you

(i would really like to upload the photos but 100kb is very low)