Time for some write ups on the bath time 1.2.3 and Junior sets! Some of these I bought back in early 2024, but just never got around to posting about.

This is one of the better aqua sets if you ask me. The man in the scuba mask is great, (and amusing to place in boats) and the idea of the set is a good one. I like the aqua sets that interact with water in a clever way, which is usually not the case. A suction cup attaches the wheel to the side of the tub, and sticks well due to the water. The photo makes it look like it spins really fast, but it's actually kind of tricky to make it rotate smoothly. I'm using a bucket that didn't come with the set, as the one it comes with doesn't hold enough water.

The water slide is the most useless set I own for display purposes, but it works perfectly fine in the tub. Attach it to the side of your tub with the included suction cups, and have the boy slide down. You can set up the little tub for him to land in, or just have him slide into the water. This is probably a really good one for toddlers, as it's simple and fun enough for them.

The box for this set shows a woman in the boat, but every in person photo I've seen of this set shows a man. (Including the ones I bought)
This is where we start to see the main issue with the aqua line. A lot of the sets are just things that float in the tub. Some are fancier looking than others, but they don't do anything interesting. This set is even worse as the smaller ducks are bad at swimming, and flip upside down at the slightest shuffle. They won't swim upright again unless you dump water out of them.
The duck boat is the best thing in the set, and pairs well with the scuba man from the water wheel set. Overall this set is quite poor though, and you're better off getting a standard rubber ducky for your toddler.

The nicest "floats in the water" set is the Moana set, so I took some beauty shots of it. It's a bit larger than you'd expect, and it's in line with how great looking the other Disney Princess sets are. The Disney Princess sets are all spectacular, and I'd recommend them all in a heartbeat. That being said, the Canadian retail price of the Moana set is forty dollars, which is kind of high. I had been waiting for it to go on sale ever since it released, and eventually got it for thirty.
The Moana figure is great, but her head can't rotate due to the length of her hair. This is an issue with the Ariel figure too.

Lastly there are the Tigger and Mickey sets. I bought the Tigger set because it was the cheapest way to get Tigger, and I bought the Mickey set because I enjoy how it portrays Mickey as a selfish billionaire. (I forgot to take pictures of the turtle and fish that come with the Mickey set.)
Overall I think the water wheel, water slide, and Moana sets are the best, but of course how willing you are to use them as an adult varies by person. If you're not ashamed to have bath toys as an adult, I'd recommend the water slide the most. If you're looking for an aqua set just to display, get the Moana set.
I still have to post about the 2020 aqua sets, but I'll save them for another time. At least I won't have to worry about dropping my phone in the bath tub to take pictures of those ones.