Hey everyone!
After not being active on here for the last year I want to update you all on my collection and project over the last year!
In 2024 I focussed on my career as diorama-artist and not só much on collecting. But I did some great projects, with more coming in 2025! Here is a summary:
31/03-24/04/2024 - Discover and experience Laarne with Novelmore.
This was an event with 2 workshops, a Playmobil search thru the castle + town center and also 2 diorama's from 32m².
It was the best experience ever. It was not easy and also though but it was amazing

12/05/2024 - PLAY-URBEN - Urban Sports Event (Workshop)
1-10/07/2024 - PLAYMOBIL search @ Prullenbos (+ 3 workshops)
01/07/2024-31/03/2025 - Built for Gold! - Sportimonium Hofstade
Diorama and a PLAYMOBIL search with the theme "Paris Olympics".