Thanks a lot! Always nice to check out if I missed some details!
About the red handkerchief, it was in a couple of sets already: the "fat frame" in the clown: I mentioned that too, so I thought, let's change that, but apparently it doesn't bend anymore with a "normal frame" and I remembered afterwards, all the "old type" of klickies use the "fat frame" (as far as I know).
And let's not forget the amazing golden version of the tuba, which hasn't been released since 2001 (!) in set
3943, unless you are rich and got it via
Playmobil Pro in 2019...
Can't believe the fairy is indeed an exact copy of series 6

... I can name at least 5 other figures that are worth a 1000 times more to repeat...
The cookie hearts are accurate by the way and called "lebkuchenherzen", here you go: . I have seen them in Cologne during the Christmas market.