I love the colors... amazons, elves, forest.. SOMETHING, whatever. There would be loads to use, even excluding the silly pinkish stuff (and even those could probably be of use, if not those idiotic starving ugly ridiculous stupid bodytypes - no, NOT over it :'(
When I first saw the leaks of them, I was horrified. This is the furthest Playmobil has ever gotten from their iconic look. At least Novelmore, Dino Rise, and Wiltopia are more or less the same just with "shiny" pupils. Meanwhile,
these freaks resemble a different brand entirely. Were it not for some familiar parts, I'd never guess in a million years they were Playmobil.

At the very least, they'd be part of some bizarre collab. At least the sets are cool, the major ones having gimmicks and lights. Easily high-jacking them for the fairies I
do like.
As for the main purpose of this thread, I'd like more civilian figures and items for the pirates and knights line. Also, a better fleshed out "Halloween/Monster" theme. Scooby-Doo is good, but I'd like to see base Playmobil give it a whirl. What if there was a creepy mansion that had more sophisticated traps than the Scooby-Doo one? I sketched some ideas a while back. Oh! Or what if there was a system where there's whole rooms sold separately but could be combined in any way you want to build your own "house". Nothing super complex, just roomboxes basically; and each one had a gimmick towards a different monster. Like a library for Dr. Frankenstein or a music room for a vampire, etc. Maybe the werewolf could have an outdoor set?