And now, it's the one and only Aphrodite! Goddess of lurve! In her Roman aspect as Venus, she is notable as the only pagan divinity to have appeared in an eighties hit single by Bananarama! (It was a cover, but that's another story.)
She's resplendent in a shiny purple dress which matches her eyes, and some sort of armband! Also note that this woman is totally barefoot!
The dress has some sort of striations on it but they look like manufacturing artefacts and not an intended pattern
Fancy hair ornament visible from behind.
Interestingly the neckpiece is not split at the back, and is thus impossible to remove without cutting, or popping.
Overall I must say that although I do not favor unbendable klickies or schminki-pinki faces with detailed eyes, this is one character they actually work well on! So I am going to give her a thumbs up.
Her accessories are a basic kit that you or I might bring along for a night of romance:
Okay! Although I give her overall approval, there is one feature of this klicky that seems like a mistake! She has EXACTLY THE SAME HAIRSTYLE as Demeter!
This is OUTRAGEOUS. The queen of looking hot would NEVER be caught DEAD in the same ANYTHING as another goddess - especially one so, ahem, DOMESTIC as DEMETER! I mean, she bakes BREAD!
So this is a terrible oversight by PM, one which I will be fixing. I see Affy in longer hair, and slightly darker blonde - I am open to suggestions for an appropriate hairstyle!
So that's it, a fine figure overall, marred slightly by the curse of MATCHY-MATCHY