A more recent addition was
70271 who I really wanted because of the adorable duck floaties. I only opened them in the last week & realised the klicky in the set was different than the one pictured in all the advertising, box art, leaflet, etc, & am still disappointed (the longer haired/female klicky is way cuter imo) but he's ended up forming a mini family with the guy from the advent calendar set & my one baby 123 klicky.
Duck guy is a bit vain & spends way too much time in the (partial)
6614 bathroom set (1990) & Forest guy loves hanging in the
6610 living room set (1990). I wish I had the rest of the bathroom set, & I'm sure I have the table & rocking chair from 6610 somewhere, but they seem to have got missplaced (I might have stashed them elsewhere a long time ago intending to sell them before i really got into the 123 sets).
6610 & the bits from 6614 are the 123 items i got first, I think around 2011 or so (intending to use them for a custom doll house I was putting together, which I was using a mix of 1:16 & 1:12 pieces for including some older Playmobil & LEGO pieces (the dolls I was making the house for have odd "super deformed" proportions which is why I was using a funny mix of scales).