Author Topic: Magazines - ready for the database  (Read 9150 times)

Offline sbblabotw

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Magazines - ready for the database
« on: April 05, 2019, 01:34:12 »
Hi detective team. Let's talk magazines.  I've been digging in to this area of collecting (virtually, thank goodness says my wallet) and found out a bunch of interesting stuff.

With some sleuthing I downloaded pictures for over a hundred of them, straight from the official site - all with their set numbers! Not too many with names, though, just pictures. They're in the 80000 range (along with a pile of other merchandise, which I'm leaving alone for now). I completed the remaining few from, who keep a thread of all the official pictures, although without set numbers, so until I got the official ones it was hard to match up. The pictures (from both places) are the German printing, since they're from the German site, but I know there's English, French, Spanish/Portuguese, Italian and Greek ones too. (And they all seem to have different release-dates and issue-numbers, which muddies the waters significantly.) I've just named them by the same model, that's used on the site where the names are given, like .

However, I'm less concerned with the paper magazines than what comes with them! The "30 79" (or "30 74" for non-klicky-containing) part numbers are printed on the card backing, which should in theory make handling them not too hard - the inserts can be parts belonging to the sets, and the klickies, animals, accessories etc. can be subparts of each.

Luckily the official pictures are large enough that I've managed to read quite a few of the "30 79" number printed on the inserts, so I can crop the picture of the insert from the main pic, and add the corresponding part to the set. The different languages have different 30 79 numbers though - makes sense, since the card itself is different. The contents SEEM to be identical. There's no way to get the klicky numbers, and they're purposely unique klickies, so "k80000" etc. they shall be. Many cards are too small or blurry though is the official publisher, so I'll use the pictures from there. I'd rather not use unofficial pictures from sellers, though, so I have what I have, for the moment. There are 138 of these things, most in several languages (and they keep making more!) so that'll do for a while! I'll also add Graham's English insert-list for this thread a few years ago:  and make sure his list of set-numbers corresponds to what I've got.


Who's got magazine inserts they can photograph for me, and/or list 30 79 numbers? anyone want to do klicky-describing, or accessory-parts sleuthing? I can make Google forms to help with this, rather than piling it all into the thread. Tiermann, I bet you'd like a word in here, too, since there are lots of animals and it'd be good to get them put in the right places. Maybe we can get some part-numbers, too, if we can nail down when they were released. Many hands etc.! has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2019, 01:59:14 » has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

Offline tahra

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2019, 07:51:29 »
The magazines are different for Portugal and Spain, but the "klicky/whatever gift" is the same (both languages on the card).

Not all klickys are "exclusive"... and I believe it has happened that are different versions in different countries - I'm thinking of a purple Super 4 king, that I THINK was available in France.

The ones here (Portugal, and I assume Spain) are the same as Germany, I believe.

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2019, 12:01:42 »
Good to know, Tahra - thanks. The only ones I have in my possession happen to be Spanish, souvenirs from a vacation. I'll get those added in when I can photograph them.

Distinctiveness: The add-on "three-packs" that they make every year for DS (like 6488 - 3 Egyptian Soldiers) are the same kind of unique - they use the same subparts as the klickies in the regular theme sets but are changed around a bit, therefore the klickies are new parts. I bet the magazine ones are much the same - I've seen quite a few familiar torsos and legs. However, the more we know about them, the more we can say for sure. My aim here is to keep all this info in one place.... a challenge but I think we can do it.

Curious about the purple king! has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2019, 12:27:22 »
I have (or will have) all the german mags, and then a couple of portuguese ones I got from a friend or when I wanted extra parts..

Problem is.. well... :-[   I HATE taking pics and filling data (which is why I abandoned the worlds in playkingdoms)  :(

Have stuff "to take pics of" for like... ages.

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2019, 17:32:55 »
This creates some odd layering. For instance 30 79 1283 and 30 79 7522 both contain the baby T-rex item number 30 65 0103 that is also in 5621. So your assembly numbers are both part numbers and set names, kind of. At Animobil I list the magazine number always for unique animals, but not always for repeats. I can certainly come up with a list of animals that are in magazine blisters though. It may take a bit as I have other projects on at the moment.

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2019, 18:05:37 »
Thanks Tim - no worries, no rush. I'm hoping the subpart mechanism will take care of that... any part can be a subpart, or a super-part, for that matter. I see you have some magazine-contents already noted in the Big Animobil List, so I'll use them, and when you get around to updating, you can link straight to the 80xxx set, as you do to other sets. I'll borrow your pics from your older reviews, too, if that's okay! has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2019, 18:09:47 »
I have (or will have) all the german mags, and then a couple of portuguese ones I got from a friend or when I wanted extra parts..

Problem is.. well... :-[   I HATE taking pics and filling data (which is why I abandoned the worlds in playkingdoms)  :(

Have stuff "to take pics of" for like... ages.

That's okay, tahra, if you don't enjoy it, no reason to spend ages on it. I wish I could come rummage in your collection! If you do happen to take any photos, just make them large and clear enough to see the number, and I'll take care of the rest. I may ask you specific questions if I run into a serious puzzle. has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

Offline tahra

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2019, 18:34:16 »
That's okay, tahra, if you don't enjoy it, no reason to spend ages on it. I wish I could come rummage in your collection! If you do happen to take any photos, just make them large and clear enough to see the number, and I'll take care of the rest. I may ask you specific questions if I run into a serious puzzle.

Maybe I should just forward you the gazillion box pics I've been taking before flattening them  :'(

I meant them for pk, but.. well.. unless I manage to HIRE someone to enter the data and fix those pics, never gonna happen.

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Re: Magazines - ready for the database
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2019, 19:03:08 »
Maybe I should just forward you the gazillion box pics I've been taking before flattening them  :'(

I meant them for pk, but.. well.. unless I manage to HIRE someone to enter the data and fix those pics, never gonna happen.

Jeez, if they're already digital, just throw them over here- I'll use what I can use! Message me with a dropbox or equivalent. Anything really nifty I'll post. has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!