I was recommended by some here to use Photobucket, but I (gladly) never did it. I prefer to keep my pics saved at my own personal hard-& software, as I anticipated things like this would happen.
Soon other free hosting sits will follow suit and you´ll have to pay, mark my words. Or you´ll get a service to pull your hairs out, like often already is the case.
I predict same will happen sooner or later with social media, even when Suckerberg keeps insisting his Fakebook will remain for free. Money makes the world go round, they say. (Though I´m sure it are laws of physics that do the trick.)
I´d like to use this occasion once again to plead for allowing larger attachements then 100KB here on PF. No need for huge pic-sizes like on f.e. fakebook, but picture-sizes same as on Klickywelt would already be a great improvement.
When you start typing a post or a reply, you see the sentence "attachements and other options" directly below the text-field.
A few CMs further down you should see "Attach:" with a button "choose file". There you click on to upload pictures from your computer, laptop, mac, Intergalactic Iphone or whatever hardware you use.
You should first resize your pictures to a max. size of 100KB. You can attach 4 pics per post. For uploading more then 4 pictures, you have to add another or more posts.