Oh some hot stuff in these series, friends! My picks:
Crusader - God yes! In a just world PM would do an entire Crusades theme but this will do for now! Anyone know if the livery is that of an actual order? Previous crusaders were accurate Teutonic Knights (black cross) and Knights Templar (red cross).
Viking - I am not into this theme but I might get this one, that looks like a new shield!
Confederate - Oh HELL yes! Anyone know if his uni is accurate to a specific unit?
Green king - Looks SMASHING. Would make a great crusader king with different livery.
Spaceman - Possible, for the weird rifle.
Wizard - Also a possible. I reckon he's an Istari. Looks a little bare without a cloak though.
Ethnic girl dancer - Hard to tell but if that's an accurate cultural type I am having one!
Dirndl woman - I am feeling an urge begin with the recent spate of dirndl chicks. Might snag one of these.
Gladiatrix - Frankly the shield is a massive disappointment, and the helmet is of course not accurate, but depending on how the body looks I might grab one. They should have done the main sequence gladiators with those baywatch legs, to simulate the loincloth look. Next time....
Napoleon - OH MY DEAR LORD YES!!!
Dwarf king - Very probably yes.
Mongol warrior - SWEET BABY JAMES GIVE ME THAT! I only wish they gave their Mongol figures scimitars, not katanas or European swords.
Prussian cop - No question. I crave pickelhaubes and got a puppet theater just so I could get one. I might get several of this.
Gladiator - No question, though I'll dump the anachronistic battleaxe. I notice they have followed my lead in giving Roman figures the Egyptian daggers now, not the medieval ones.
Fan woman - Maybe? Anyone know if that's a representation of a specific culture, or just a mish mash?
Mrs Doubtfire - Might get one and change the hair colour and give it to a friend it resembles.
Is it my imagination or are her ankles fatter than the ankles of the other figures??
In short, I might actually buy a couple of whole boxes in order to insure I get what I want. GOOD TIMES AHEAD.