As everyone else has commented, this is a fantastic creation. Your introduction to each resident is perfect, and lets the imagination wander. I am not sure which is my favorite apartment, but it is fun to see the different kitchens , bathrooms, bedrooms and sitting rooms you have assembled. Like Skypurr said, there are quite a few I do not recognize, I have obviously fallen behind in my Playmobil knowledge. I agree with everyone, I hope you do not need to dismantle it, just remodel bits and pieces as you steal for your zoo project. I actually built a seven floor medical center/hospital that originally sat on our table, as well. I have decided not to dismantle it and because it actually has a relatively small footprint, it now sits on a cabinet upstairs in my studio, thank goodness for 10 foot ceilings. It would be fun if you could find a spot to keep it, and just have the tenants move in and out and give you a chance to showcase new furnishings. Would the wallpaper and rugs be difficult to remove? Maybe you could just decorate over them, just like real apartments.
Thank you for sharing, this was so much fun.