I agree that Caroline was very helpful. I wonder if the job was all that great....
I sent in my 350-part list by Excel spreadsheet, as usual, but heard nothing back for a week (Caroline often answered within a few hours!). When I rang to enquire politely if there was a problem, the lady I spoke to told me she has to enter every part list manually (i.e. type every part number again), as well as cross-checking on a different system for alternatives to items no longer available. She had got half way through my list, but promised to finish it that day (which she did). I apologised profusely and promised never to send such a long list again. I also expressed my extreme disbelief that PM(UK) staff have to do manual entries, even when they receive a list electronically.
I cannot believe a company like Geobra has not created software which can take an electronic list sent in by a customer (conversion to TSV or CSV from other formats would be easy) and look up, electronically, the part numbers on a stock list database. Crikey, I could almost do it myself in Excel and I'm no IT boffin.
So I have written to Geobra, specifically Gabi Lodes-Bernt, the boss of the DS operation, to ask why they don't develop this. I sent the letter in English to PM(UK) to start with, in case this is some local practice which the bosses at HQ know nothing of, but as I have received no reply in two weeks, I suspect they are not interested in improving their own working practices.
Watch this space...