The PopperHere's the way we pop at our playkingdoms..
After several methods, we settled for this one. It's still easier to pop kids with the cape+beard method. However it will not do for fixed neck pieces, and there were plenty that I couldn't manage at all, for no apparent reason.
With the current popper, fixed neckpieces, vests and coats, fat guys, old style skirts, kids, skinny bodies... anything goes. It's very rare to do damage... I did manage to break a couple of necks, before tying the popper to the door handle.. I think the angle or something was completely off.
So, we're using fishing line. We make a "loop" with it - I have a very hard time getting the knots to hold, but I think it's just lack of skill of my part
- my sister can do it a lot easier.
Then I put it on the door handle:
And hang the poppable - make sure the popper is not under the fixed neckpiece, if there's one:
Pull around to get it tight:
And PULL - hold and rotate the head and pull the torso:
We have to watch for fixed neckpieces - they tend to fall.. Just make sure you don't step on them. You can also use a hankerchief or something around the whole thing to keep the neckpiece...
Ah, and of course, they snap on occasion. Have no idea if anyone would do that (doesn't seem practical), but just don't put your face near it during action time!
And that's it. Been working fine.