You could send her lots of chocolate 
Chocolate gives energy 
macgayver did indeed send me chocolate, and it fueled a fair bit of Playmodbizing over the holidays. I was mainly re-programming, though - some routines weren't nearly so slow when there were fewer parts and sets! And with the chocolate came lots of instruction scans I didn't have before, so although the work keeps coming, the information in the database just keeps growing too.
The best thing to do to help out is to find a spot where there is information missing or inaccurate, and fill in the gaps. For more complicated stuff, let me know what you'd like to tackle, so I can coordinate and give you some guidance with it. You can scan instructions (although there are not many now that need to be done); crop part-pictures from scans; list parts in sets; correct errors; fill in English translations; make better box-pictures; describe Klickys (see the "Who's That Klicky?" page for list of characteristics); take photos, of parts that don't appear on any instructions, or maybe even make a photoset of a large set being assembled, to help out those who don't have instructions. Money towards hosting is appreciated but not nearly as scarce as time. Step right up and I'll give you a job.
By the way, the elves are posted - enjoy.
Cheers, Heather