This might be possible for a single klicky but not for a whole set... long as you are not getting Michael to customize half of the production line anyway... (see again the t-truck... )
Lol Thank you
To comment on the topic prices
I realised That playmobil is German ,so there is where you go
I have the luck I'm able to travel easely to Germany
and you have no idea wot you find on the road
I'm learning German as we speak
and it all started with little meetings , internet is great , But once you 've looked one in the eye ,it all becomes different
I realise we are on a worldwide forum here
and we in europe have shorther distances so it is easier to meet
but we also have different laguages
and people allways will be people
I travel all countries by car or by internet
I think I'm a member of every forum
We are not that many , active collecting
it's a very small world
I want to take the moment to thank Sylvia and Richard for creating us this space , and for their efforts to keep it clean and friendly
and very playmo FAN realated
As far as I'm concerned,you very well succeeded (and succeding)
and I'll try to keep suprising you with my customs
there are lot of members here who live in Germany who also like american sets
it's all bout balance
there's allways a way
Hope made a bit sense