Author Topic: Does Playmobil ever make on commission? (ie. could we commission old steck?)  (Read 9376 times)

Offline playmofire

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Did the product range increase soon after the new high tech warehouse was built?

I don't know when the new high tech warehouse was built, but I suspect it was after I was told about the range being limited to about 250 items.
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Offline Rasputin

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sometimes I think a combination of American aggressiveness/obsessiveness and recklessness with cash leads bidders here to take auctions personally.

People battle to the death ("I gotta have it" / "I won't let nu2ebay234 beat me!").  The high prices in turn fuel the opportunists who hope to re-sell.  

seems like there is a lot of that going on even off of ebay, around these parts at least.

It is some times quite tempting to go to target buy a $4.99 set and re sell it for $9.99 + $6.50 shipping , as a way to fuel my obsession. As i contemplate this i start to feel the innocence of the toy would be lost and i would also become the dealer who dips into his own supply.

I would like to ask a question that is back to the original . Here in the states it happened in McDonalds and in Germany or ? it happened in a store with the old timer truck. Instead of approaching playmobil what about approaching a large store? I can not think of any ( i just woke up ) but one large enough to attract some attention.
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Offline macgayver

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Just to back up a little bit (and on a tangent) - does anyone know how much Geobra recognizes and support adult playmobil fans no adult fan support not even in germany (not just in Germany - and how is there btw)

  From Lego pov (since it's another of my interest), they definitely recognize the adult fan and do cater to their needs:Playmobil geobora doesnot follow those politics

- parts order (okay, Playmo has this)
- a friend tells me they (Lego) work closely with Lego Train clubs
- creating sets that go back to their original design roots,  as alot of fans were bemoaning the increasing use of large speciality pieces.
- allowing online cataloging and distribution of past set instructions (which iirc Geobra is dead set against)
- creating a 'fan club' of sorts (well, this one's for kids and adults alike ...) only for kids

At any rate, I was wondering if Geobra might be moved to re-release a line of 'classic' sets (for knights anyways ;)) much like their doing on a couple a vehicles a year.  Anyone want to start a petition? :D Playmobil does release classic sets since a few years , guess patience is the word here and a bit of luck

On the other hand ... I just got a MIB 5738 (one of the last steck castles?), and compare that with MIB 3888 the fit of the pieces seems much tighter and a little off at times - the moulds might be wearing done (wild speculation on my part), and on the other hand I'm sure the System-X moulds still have some way to go for Geobra.
they did re release the red and the blue frame house

My 2cent's worth of ramblin' Hope you got some answers , I know , probably not the ones you like

there are a few members on the german forum that have good connection with the Pr form zindorf , but that's more based on personal friendship than on fan  promoting

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Offline socrates

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playmobil is releasing special editions for companies etc. (see nordsee pirates, Karstadt T-trucks etc.)...
Especially when requesting vintage parts, they will have an open ear...

The problem for such a project is that they are NOT turning on a single maschine for not at least 1000-5000 pieces.. So depending on what you are ordering, you will have to get at least that number of it...

This might be possible for a single klicky but not for a whole set... long as you are not getting Michael to customize half of the production line anyway... (see again the t-truck... :P )

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Offline Donmobil

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The really high prices for old Playmobil tends to be a US eBay phenomenon.  Similar items in the UK tend to go much more cheaply, and in Germany cheaper still. 

Perhaps the high prices people in the US pay for old sets might be a sign to PM to re-release the older sets.  If people are willing to pay more to get an old set, there could be a market for their re-release.

-- Donmobil

Offline Martin Milner

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Perhaps the high prices people in the US pay for old sets might be a sign to PM to re-release the older sets.  If people are willing to pay more to get an old set, there could be a market for their re-release.

-- Donmobil

I wonder if anyone at Playmobil headquarters monitors the prices for Playmobil on eBay worldwide? There are usually around 2,000 items up for auction worldwide at any given time, so assuming they're all 10 day auctions, that's 200 lots a day, 8 every hour 24 hours a day.

However eBay makes life easy for you, if you search only completed listings worldwide. The 3448 Medieval Inn recently sold for $350.

Of course some style sof sets do keep comign back - the castles and the jousting sets, while not exact recreations of the original sets, have been released in many forms.

Offline playmofire

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But, as Donmobil says, the high prices for old Playmobil are on US eBay rather than world wide.  The same sets can be bought on German eBay much cheaper when they appear. And, ironically, it tends to be US collectors who complain most about the price of current sets (including the DS re-issues), so Playmobil are sent mixed messages.

(A US collector once explained this last point to me as being because America was the land of the free and that was also the price they preferred!  :lol:)
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Offline macgayver

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This might be possible for a single klicky but not for a whole set... long as you are not getting Michael to customize half of the production line anyway... (see again the t-truck... :P )


Lol Thank you

To comment on the topic prices

I realised That playmobil is German ,so there is where you go
I have the luck I'm able to travel easely to Germany
and you have no idea wot you find on the road

I'm learning German as we speak

and it all started with little meetings , internet is great , But once you 've looked one in the eye ,it all becomes different

I realise we are on a worldwide forum here
and we in europe have shorther distances so it is easier to meet

but we also have different laguages  8}

and people allways will be people

I travel all countries by car or by internet
I think I'm a member of every forum  :-\

We are not that many , active collecting
it's a very small world

I want to take the moment  to thank Sylvia and Richard for creating us this space , and for their efforts to keep it clean and friendly

and very playmo FAN realated

As far as I'm concerned,you very well succeeded (and succeding)
and I'll try to keep suprising you with my customs

there are lot of members here who live in Germany who also like american sets

it's all bout balance

there's allways a way  ;)

Hope made a bit sense  :-[

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