@ Hadoque: We didn't see you guys - no surprise there, since there were so many people!
Brubil and I arrived saturday around 15h00, which was somewhat later then planned
(my fault; I wasn't ready in time to hit the road due to one of my cats having been sick all over the floor...

As we know several of the expositioners and sellers , we were able to stay till after closure, to take more pictures when all other visotors when gone and talk some more with the expositioners.
Original plan was to travel back to Flanders in the evening, but we decided to look for a hotel and stay the night so we would have a day extra.

So, we arrived again at the expostion today Sunday at noon and we stayed till 17h00. It was even more crowdy then on Saturday

, so I did less diorama-viewing/taking pics then on saturday and spend more time talking with several mostly French and German people.
It was great to see folks again after several years , and to get to know others in person who I sofar had only encountered on the forums and/or bought from on ebay.

I just noticed a few secs ago that Playmofrankjohn has put up a link to many pics he took, and I think he covered pretty everthing that was to be seen on the event...
I'll check if I have additional good pics which are worthwhile to add.
All in all, I had 2 great days and it was very worthwhile!!

I'm very happy to have seen f.e. Michael's ''Versailles'', Jean-Mi's ''Big Ben'' and Nicolas' "HMS Victory'' (wich was in première) with my own eyes from close up!!