Sorry to hear that you were hacked. It is a strange feeling. When some immigrant stole my info and bought 4 phones it was easier to deal with the theft than the responce from the company itself. "You are 100% liable until our internal investigation determines your innocence" WHAT!
My wife's info was stolen from a starbuks and the criminals drained her whole account of funds in a few hours. When I was filling out the police reports I told the investigating officer that most of the places that the criminals were at have surveillance cameras and it is so easy to find out who did it, what car, how many etc..... they could care less, I guess that would be work
Our local credit union likes me and very quickly put the funds back
It will all work out, you will just want to find the hole in your defences but you can never be 100% safe. Its best just to periodically check to see if there is any unauthorised transactions on all of your accounts. I think a new scam will be to drain pennies from large pools of unsuspecting accounts. Most people will not notice small amounts missing.