Creative => Customs Gallery => Topic started by: Elric on March 27, 2011, 21:17:02
A virus swept through a small village and turned the people zombies.
Any variety of standardized knights with a variety of vampire, clown, or ghost heads.
¿Am I right?
Any variety of standardized knights with a variety of vampire, clown, or ghost heads.
¿Am I right?
I was bored when I made these and I used ghost pirate heads.
:0 :omg: SCARY! :omg: :0
The best evil army I've ever seen, bar none.
Very good, very evil! :0
Cool! 8-)
Cool! 8-)
I second that!!!
you can actually use the bronze armour of the recent wolf knights to give them a better look!
:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
I hate zombies and everything about them as an idea, diorama, picture, movie etc etc , absolutely hate and despise anything that has to do with them . :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
I hate zombies and everything about them as an idea, diorama, picture, movie etc etc , absolutely hate and despise anything that has to do with them . :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
I used to run a zombie survival site; You would have loved it.
:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
I hate zombies and everything about them as an idea, diorama, picture, movie etc etc , absolutely hate and despise anything that has to do with them . :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Me too. :o
And me! But these are still very well done.
Zombies aren't that bad, when well trained.
I will not continue on the subject of zombies as i find it truly disturbing , I agree with Sir Wolf the bronze armour will make them even more scary
... when i watched 28 days later i had problems sleeping and had to seek help, i dare not to watch 28 weeks later and enough said about zombies !!!!
I will not continue on the subject of zombies as i find it truly disturbing , I agree with Sir Wolf the bronze armour will make them even more scary
... when i watched 28 days later i had problems sleeping and had to seek help, i dare not to watch 28 weeks later and enough said about zombies !!!!
I had the same problem when I watched Resident Evil. :no:
I just don't watch stuff like that. I can't even stand to look at the previews when they come on TV!
What's 28 days later?
Google it , a horror british movie by DAnny Boyle ( The Beach, Slumdog Millionaire, Sunshine, Trainspotting ) , the scariest movie i have ever seen and casued me troubles sleeping etc , i shall say no more on the subject sorry
What's 28 days later?
A militry-bashing piece of propaganda.
Zombies don’t scare me. Politicians do.
My worst nightmare would be a zombie taxman :help:.
Imagine, you pay him and he keeps coming back :0.
A militry-bashing piece of propaganda.
Zombies don’t scare me. Politicians do.
Zombie politicians would be the worst - it's hard enough getting them out of office at it is, imagine they don't even need to retire because they're already dead? :o
Zombie politicians would be the worst - it's hard enough getting them out of office at it is, imagine they don't even need to retire because they're already dead? :o
I like these Zombie knights. The US bull knight fits very good to the pale heads. In Germany we have not this set, so I had to use wolf knight's body. But these are no Zombies but the knights of my dark world people. ;)
Awesome Knights Volker!!! :)9
I've created a few ghost knights with the bronze wolf knight armor!!!
Sweet customs! I love zombies, even though they scare the bejeepers out of me.
Of course, in any good zombie movie, the real monsters are other people- as in 28 Days...
That's why, when the zombie come, I'm avoiding other people.
Vauban, those look great! The best evil army around. And the sorcerers are the crème de la crème of the evil bunch (
Great custom work, but too dark and scary for my taste . Sorry .... :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
Very scary zombies :uhoh: Well done :)9
Zombies aren't that bad, when well trained.
:lol: That reminds me of the movie Fido, where people put collars around zombies and they become people's slaves. It was a comedic/dramatic and original spin on zombie movies for those of us who are afraid of them.
Those priests are amazing!!!! :o
:lol: That reminds me of the movie Fido, where people put collars around zombies and they become people's slaves. It was a comedic/dramatic and original spin on zombie movies for those of us who are afraid of them.
Zombies have been so over done in the movies that right now they look more comical (in a pathetic sort of way) then scary. The same happened to Dracula and now vampires.
Zombies have been so over done in the movies that right now they look more comical (in a pathetic sort of way) then scary. The same happened to Dracula and now vampires.
I saw 'by mistake ' the trailer of 28 weeks later and scared the 'ell out of me. I think there are various different type sof zombies , there is a big gap between the slow moving ones from Romero's orginal movie and the super fast , raged, contaminated ones in 28 weeks etc. Too dishgusting and scary i aint posting again here sorry :hmm:
Zombie Priests… Niice. Correct me if I’m wrong, but ¿are those Aurek-Besh symbols?
Zombies have been so over done in the movies that right now they look more comical (in a pathetic sort of way) then scary. The same happened to Dracula and now vampires.
Because the real-world fear they were based on disappeared. (I remember staying up the night that it died CONVINCED there would be a war; Then 2 months later it was all over and not a shot fired…)
"It died". Who (
The zombie thing was so over done that it has moved to the realm of banality. Therefor, they're more suitable for satires then a true horror theme.
Calm down, guys! There may be a lot of evil in this world of ours, but there's no such thing as zombies. Nothing to be afraid of ;D
And if a film makes you scared, or makes you think, it just goes to show that it's a very good film :)
yeah sorry...
I do love the Zombie Knights, specially the Priests! :love:
yeah sorry...
I do love the Zombie Knights, specially the Priests! :love:
Priests are the best !!! God I am scared today :lol:
"It died". Who (
Sorry, can’t get into that without getting into politics. I abhor politics (especially HERE).
Sorry, can’t get into that without getting into politics. I abhor politics (especially HERE).
You don't have to "get into that". How about a one word answer, and we promise not to follow up the comment (we'll keep talking about Titanic)! You can't leave us in suspense!! C'mon, what died? Pleeeeeeeeeeease! What was it?
The discussion about Titanic has been split and moved here: :)
Bonnie, that's why we need an Off-Topic section/forum. Makes thing easier to manage for the mods.
Great Customs Elric!!!
The Knights in the second picture with the bronze armor are far better!!!
May my orcs will like to have a word with them may be a treaty agreement for a common evil .....
You don't have to "get into that". How about a one word answer, and we promise not to follow up the comment (we'll keep talking about Titanic)! You can't leave us in suspense!! C'mon, what died? Pleeeeeeeeeeease! What was it?
But I put it in the Titanic thread, and I WON’T be checking on it.
yeah sorry...
I do love the Zombie Knights, specially the Priests! :love:
¿So what DO skin jobs worship?
Wow ... It's a whole medieval zombies theme! ... Good, they're cool! ;D
Great customs Vauban! The priests are cool. 8-)
Nice zombie army! I like the priests too.
And aren't most politicians zombies? ;)