
General => News => Topic started by: Gustavo on June 16, 2009, 14:09:46

Title: Wonderful news for the Portuguese speaking playmocommunity!
Post by: Gustavo on June 16, 2009, 14:09:46
It's open the 1st Brasilian Board devoted to Playmobil!

The name is, and it's in its very beginning. I have to admit that I dreamed of it, though I thought it would take much, much longer to see it happen.

Here's the adress: (It's so new that Google search "" doesn't lead to it yet ...)



You guys don't need to be worried ;D ... Although I'm there, I won't abandon you. I still like this forum really dearly :love:, and there's absolutely no place in the internet that I have found like this one. (And I am in a FEW forums, by now, since last year: on playmobil (2, now 3), on literature, on Latin (2), on History, on Tolkien .. maybe some other 8} )

(Besides, my stories have much to do with English language & culture ::), so, I prefer to go on publishing them mainly in English. (I'll possibly translate some of them, but I have to admit that I'm inclined to create a new line of stories to the Brasilian forum. As well as I've always intended to do so in Playmoboard, however it never happened.))
Title: Re: Wonderful news for the Portuguese speaking playmocommunity!
Post by: wonderland5 on June 17, 2009, 04:19:51
Congratulations Gustavo, that sounds great!

Keep us posted on the goings on over there, I love visiting the foreign language Playmo boards!

Title: Re: Wonderful news for the Portuguese speaking playmocommunity!
Post by: playmofire on June 17, 2009, 06:24:36
Great news, Gus.  I've already searched for references to "bomberos", but nothing so far!
Title: Re: Wonderful news for the Portuguese speaking playmocommunity!
Post by: Gustavo on June 17, 2009, 12:10:10
All right, Betsy! :)


You'll may improve your Portuguese, Gordon ;D
(It's bombeiros ::) hoho!)
