
Getting Started => Welcome! => Topic started by: Robbie on November 13, 2005, 05:36:22

Title: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Robbie on November 13, 2005, 05:36:22
Hey everyone!

Most of you already know me, but for those that don't here is a little about me. My name is Robbie and I'm from central Mississippi. I'm 19 years old(for just 9 more days, that is ;)) and I'm a sophomore in college. I first discovered Playmobil when I was about 7 years old, so that was around 1991-1992. There was a nice bookstore in the mall in my town called "Bookland" and they had a nice selection of this fine toy line(this was the only Playmobil retailer in our town). One day they immediately closed their doors, so my Playmobil interest quickly faded away. A few years later, I found many old Playmobil sets  at the discount-chain Tuesday Morning. My interest was more involved then ever and later I found out about eBay. I was hooked, but in 2002-2003 I really just lost interest little by little and got rid of most of my stuff. I have gotten a few sets in the last few months, but my "collection"(I'm not sure you would call it that, lol) is nowhere near being impressive. I don't care for most of the newer sets and really only have an interest in the late 80s to mid 90s stuff. What I'm after the most at the moment is the old green citycar 3211. I've seen it on eBay a few times but I usually forget to bid. 8}

Oh yeah, forgot to say that I'm a car fanatic! It won't take you long to realize that though. Gimme the keys to a nice Japanese sedan and I'm a happy camper! ;)


Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Meg on November 13, 2005, 05:40:48
Hi Robbie  :wave:
its good to see you here.
i am glad you seem to have survived the worst of the hurricane season, without to much disruption to your life.

I hope school is going well.

its nice that you are here
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Robbie on November 13, 2005, 06:09:02
It's really nice to see you again, Meg! :)

School is....going. I'll say that much, lol. The first year was really great and exciting and I had really good grades, but this semester has been bothersome. I'm so ready to get college over with and I've got a while left to go. 8}

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Meg on November 13, 2005, 06:13:14
sophmore doldrums
been there/done that type of thing

Are you still studying business or planning to change schools at the end of this year?

Getting decent grades will help with all of that.

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Psyche on November 13, 2005, 06:16:58
Hi Robbie!!! So good to see you here! (I thought I'd lost you to libraries forever!  :o ) I've been in and around colleges forever and every 3rd That's just the way it goes. You're making great progress and I love your new avatar, you've aged this past year! ;)  School will do that to you!  :P

Hey, keep muddling through and I'll let you drive my sporty Honda! :D
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Robbie on November 13, 2005, 06:29:27
Wow, good to see its not just me being lazy about the third semester, lol!  ;D  I'm still sticking with business, but not sure where I want to transfer too after the Spring 2006 semester. I had wanted to go to this one certain college but my parents are possible moving to the same town, so that wouldn't be too fun.  ::) :lol:

Heya, Diana! :)
Yep, I'm here and glad to be a member of this community. It really rocks already! :D LOL about the avatar, yep see what this semester has done to me, I used to look like a little boy but now I'm old and gray. :hmm: I'll come up with a new avatar of my own but this figure is one I have always liked so it will be a good stand-in for the meantime. ;) All of the avatars for members to choose from are really awesome.

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Psyche on November 13, 2005, 06:32:17
I had wanted to go to this one certain college but my parents are possible moving to the same town, so that wouldn't be too fun.  ::) :lol:

Poor Robbie...he's folks just can't bear to let him fly out of the nest! You can come up to the Northwest and we'll you you get into...I mean, "don't" get into any trouble! ;)
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Tim_w on November 13, 2005, 09:34:47
Hello  Robbie  :wave:

Welcome to Playmofriends i hope you enjoy your stay, its great to have you here with us.

Regards  Tim
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Sylvia on November 13, 2005, 11:35:54
Hey there, Robbie! :)

Nice to read you again. Welcome to PlaymoFriends! :-*

I'll come up with a new avatar of my own but this figure is one I have always liked so it will be a good stand-in for the meantime. ;)
He's one of my favourites too! :D I think you even helped me to get one, didn't you? (It's a distant memory in my tired old brain now. :P) I had trouble locating the Special set ( he comes from because he had been discontinued a few years by the time I got collecting.

All of the avatars for members to choose from are really awesome.
That's probably because many of the mini images are cropped and edited from the great quality pics found on collectobil ( ;)
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Morgan on November 13, 2005, 13:06:52
Hello Robbie, and welcome  :)
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Meg on November 13, 2005, 15:49:19
your idea to move out of the house is a good one.
parents birds often kick their fledglings out of the nest to get then to try to fly.
College is the time when kids should be encouraged to try things (legal) and complete their drive for independence  (OK, Zina is only 13, and I havent had to deal with her moving out.)

Is it because of your schooling that your parents are considering moving?

Welcome again,
Its nice to know you are here

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Serenity on November 13, 2005, 18:04:12
Hi Robbie!  Glad to see you made it through the hurricanes in one piece, and Psyche is right, the 3rd semester was the worst.

If you go out to the northwest, drive through NM on your way and pick me up ;)  :P  ;D
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Madame X on November 16, 2005, 04:58:59
Hey there, Robbie!     :wave:

Great to see you here!  Your intro reminded me that I first learned about the Tuesday Morning stores from you way back when.  Have you seen any Playmo stuff at TM lately?  The one near me has had a few small sets, but also the 3666 large castle and the 3500 large mansion :o . 
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Robbie on November 16, 2005, 05:11:41
Your intro reminded me that I first learned about the Tuesday Morning stores from you way back when.  Have you seen any Playmo stuff at TM lately?  The one near me has had a few small sets, but also the 3666 large castle and the 3500 large mansion :o . 

Yes, that reminds me... :yup:..I was in there one day not expecting to find anything new as far as Playmobil goes, when I checked out a back shelf to find the King's Large Castle(3666) sitting there. I thought it was weird that it was back on the shelf because I knew there was only one and it hadn't been there for about two weeks. I got a closer look and this is what I found....the $99.95 on the price label had been marked through and the price was slashed to $25.00! :D The only thing wrong with this one is that the box was damaged and had come open in the store. All pieces were there and still sealed in the bags. The box is not too far gone at all and I have it looking pretty good. I was thrilled with this little deal and it reminded me of the good old days of Tuesday Morning when they would go through old stock and mark through the lowest price. Its been sooooo long since I've seen them do that.  8}

Aside from that, today I was in there and found some really neat clay pots for gardening and stuff for my mom. They originally were marked as retail price $34.00, Deep Discount Price $9.99 and I snatched em for $2.49. Can you tell I'm a bargain shopper? LOL.  :lol:

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Meg on November 16, 2005, 07:25:03
And you deserve Kudos for purchasing such nice pots for you mom  0)
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: socrates on November 16, 2005, 10:13:56
Hi Robbie!

Welcome at PlaymoFriends... Hmm, see you are already arrived here...  Great! 8-)

Did you get the 3211 already? You definitely should. It's a great car. I just played
with my little one this morning.. They (the playmos) went out shopping to buy some
LEGO...  :-[ So they stuffed the whole car with the bricks... But luckily you can turn
down the bench... :)

I just recently came along this car, as it is the same as for the bakery delivery van!  :yup:

Anyway, have fun here...
greetings from germany,
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Robbie on November 19, 2005, 22:57:50
Hi Socrates!

I haven't gotten my hands on the old green car yet, but I am being patient. :) I have the black snow citycar(3693) which was a later version of the green car, and that one is my favorite Playmobil set in my collection. I wasn't sure if the newer Bakery Van was the same molding. Isn't that one going to be put out of production next year? If so, it didn't last too long at all.

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Psyche on November 20, 2005, 00:04:40
Hey Robbie,  I can testify that you are the Superman of Shopping, the Duke of Good Deals, and the Big Game Hunter of Bargains! :D  :yup: 8-)
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Serenity on November 20, 2005, 00:10:50
 :o :o :o  I can't believe you got 3666 for $25!!!!!  :o :o :o 

You are a shopping god!
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Robbie on November 20, 2005, 00:25:11
LOL! I might put that Castle together tonight. The figures are awesome, especially the Messenger(I don't know what you'd call him exactly, he's the older guy). My other Tuesday Morning across town had the Castle when I went in there today and it was still $99.95. I know that's still a good price, but not good enough for me. ;)

Yep, I think I'm a good shopper.  ^-^ If I see something I want, I usually always wait for it to get marked down. There's always the chance that someone else could snatch up stuff at the current price, but there's also the chance I could get the item later on for considerably less. ;)

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Meg on November 21, 2005, 17:44:09
must make a note to myself

when in mississippi either go shopping with Robbie, or find those tuesday morning stores
Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: Sir Gareth on November 21, 2005, 20:06:32
Hi Robbie, nice to see you here.

Title: Re: Hello from Mississippi!
Post by: playmofire on December 01, 2005, 19:29:13
Hi Robbie,

I'm gradually catching up with everybody.  Nice to see you again.

Are you still looking for the roofrack for the rally car?  I think I may have one.