
General => News => Topic started by: Macruran on April 17, 2015, 18:09:28

Title: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Macruran on April 17, 2015, 18:09:28
 8} 8} All numbers and calculations are rough and likely wrong 8} 8}

Sets are numbered with four digits. That means the range is 0000-9999, in other words exactly ten thousand set numbers are available.

Some time ago I counted sets on Collectobil and estimated there were about 3000 different sets ever produced. 10000 - 3000 = there are about 7000 set numbers left.

3000/40 years = roughly 75 sets produced a year. This number is of course wildly inaccurate as more sets per year are produced now than three decades ago. So let's assume 100 unique new sets appear each year.

7000/100 = 70 years from now the Gnomes of Zirndorf will need to come up with a new numbering system.
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Birdie on April 17, 2015, 18:34:24
That reminds me, I once wrote a letter to Playmobil as a kid to ask if they once started with set number 1 and if they were moving up. I got a reply and everything ;D

If Playmobil is still going strong in 70 years time, my great-grandchildren will have a pretty awesome collection of old stuff to sell  8-)
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Macruran on April 17, 2015, 18:55:18
That reminds me, I once wrote a letter to Playmobil as a kid to ask if they once started with set number 1 and if they were moving up. I got a reply and everything ;D

Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: sbblabotw on April 17, 2015, 19:05:41
I've got some better numbers, Macruran. Accuracy not 100% but pretty good.

PlaymoDB has 4328 sets in the DB. That's only sets with 4-digit numbers - I don't use the old Schaper three-digit numbers, or the ten-digit ones assigned to new "gift" sets like the PCC produces. 238 of the four-digit numbers are used twice or more. So that's 4090, out of 8999 possible.

In the DB...
1000's: 14
2000's: 1
3000's: 964
4000's: 977
5000's: 835
6000's: 497
7000's: 784
8000's: 0
9000's: 21

Before you check my work, that only adds to 4079, but I don't know where the other 11 went! Some kind of weirdness with the doubled numbers I expect. Anyway...

The 7000's were used for DS sets for many years, and 6000's for 1-2-3 sets; that's not true anymore, so new sets of all kinds are almost always 5000's and 6000's. The Specials still get 4000's till they're all gone, I suppose. The 5000's won't be long getting used up, either, 2-3 year I'd wager.

There have been over 100 sets a year since 1996 with only a couple of exceptions slightly lower; over 175 sets a year since 2005. 2012 and 2014 were high points at 241 and 219 sets, respectively... and of course 2015, already at 182, is not done yet.

Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: GrahamB on April 17, 2015, 20:55:52
There are a further 74 sets which aren't in the DB but are listed as 'Exclusives' in the Collector third edition. Only 7 of these have unique numbers, however (i.e. not repeats of numbers used for other sets).
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Macruran on April 18, 2015, 03:29:06
Thank you for this expert information. It paints a much darker picture. To wit:

Crunching all those numbers gives us


That's within many of our lifetimes.

This is worse than Y2K, or Mayan Apocalypse.

OT: GrahamB, did you receive the PM I sent you?
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Birdie on April 18, 2015, 08:45:48

I was a long time ago, but I remember they just explained that no, they didn't start with set number 0001. It had to do with series of sets, and the numbers corresponded to that. If it started with 4xxx, for example, it belonged to that certain series of products, so to speak. So (at least according to the person who wrote me the letter) there was no set 0001.
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: cachalote on April 18, 2015, 20:54:06
:o maybe, when the numbers are out, playmobil will cease its production.
:hmm: maybe that's the secret idea behind the creation of a foundation that will manage the company after horst brandstatter leaves.
>:( maybe nobody will never know the name of its directors so that they can escape after the klicky-killing.

:) or maybe thy will just add 2 letters before the numbers, like a german car-plate.
:captain: PI for pirates.
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: GrahamB on April 20, 2015, 17:38:08
There are a further 74 sets which aren't in the DB but are listed as 'Exclusives' in the Collector third edition. Only 7 of these have unique numbers, however (i.e. not repeats of numbers used for other sets).

Actually, the numbers are as follows:
65 sets not in DB, mostly listed as 'Exclusives' in Collector. 4 unique numbers: 4003, 4030, 4031 (all trains) and 3700 (Color set, farmers and a carriage). 6 sets have no details given in Collector.
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: bonniebeth on April 20, 2015, 18:19:38

That's within many of our lifetimes.

This is worse than Y2K, or Mayan Apocalypse.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Macruran on April 21, 2015, 03:39:12
Henceforward I shall be referring to it as the


or the

Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Birdie on April 21, 2015, 06:36:42
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: PlayMoto on May 06, 2015, 10:51:48
Hmmm or maybe they just switch to 6 digits like Lego did? ;-)
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Giorginetto on May 11, 2015, 14:20:16
Plenty of numbers left and plenty of new sets too !!!!  :love:
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Macruran on February 02, 2024, 03:58:39
I feel as though my prediction of the Brandstätterdämmerung may have been a jinx, as the decline began around the time they switched to five digit numbers  :'( I am so sorry everyone  :skull: :whip:
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: playmofire on February 02, 2024, 11:30:44
Five digit numbers always introduce problems because the maximum length of number the human brain can easily handle is 4 digits.  For 27 years I worked for an organisation where school premises had a three digit number and I can still remember a lot of these more or less automatically, for example, I might driving through a town and see a road name and automatically think "Ah, centre 379, so-and-so school is down there".  But when we switched to five digit ones, no way, even where three of the digits might be unchanged.
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Birdie on February 02, 2024, 19:56:54
I feel as though my prediction of the Brandstätterdämmerung may have been a jinx, as the decline began around the time they switched to five digit numbers  :'( I am so sorry everyone  :skull: :whip:

Yes re-reading this thread was a bit sad  :'(
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Birdie on February 02, 2024, 20:11:54
It's exactly 50 years ago today that Geobra Brandstätter introduced Playmobil at the Spielwarenmesse in Nürnberg. How are talking about its downfall right now?  :sorrow:
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Macruran on February 03, 2024, 03:03:37
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: tahra on February 03, 2024, 09:38:07
The birthday video is gorgeous. I was impressed :love:

Link on THAT site:
Title: Re: How many set numbers are left?
Post by: Birdie on February 05, 2024, 12:18:51
The birthday video is gorgeous. I was impressed :love:

Link on THAT site:

Aaaaw it really is! So many icons in there  :love: