
General => Collector's Corner => Mystery Figures Series => Topic started by: Erik on February 22, 2013, 11:14:21

Title: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Erik on February 22, 2013, 11:14:21
Well, series 4 arrived, and I already bought the figures I wanted or had use for, again with a 100% accuracy rate through "feeling" the bags.
I bought a couple of "wizard" figures and all the blue aliens I could find, I have a feeling they'll come in handy one of these days... ;)
This series is by far the most easy to "identify", but maybe it's because I've been practicing for four series now... :P
The wizard, the king, the blue alien, the angel and the "hula" girl are the best looking of this lot imho.
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Erik on February 22, 2013, 11:16:54
Btw, the alien has black hair and the pirate lady has one of those "stone age" thingies hanging from her belt... :)
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Tiermann on February 22, 2013, 15:24:39
Those look great. I am loving that alien
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Redmao on February 22, 2013, 15:37:51
Very nice series once again.
I really like that blue alien.
The hunt is on!
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Hadoque on February 22, 2013, 19:29:42
Thanks for the pics, Erik.
At which store(s) did you get them?
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Erik on February 22, 2013, 19:50:46
Thanks for the pics, Erik.
At which store(s) did you get them?

Two different "Bart Smit's", one in Turnhout and one in Antwerp. :)
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: DrDalek6 on February 22, 2013, 22:20:27
Cool figures they look good, don't expect they'll be arriving here in the UK for a while  :)
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: playmovictorian on February 23, 2013, 11:53:50
I love the Wizzard  :lol:

Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: nunney on February 23, 2013, 15:34:49
great job! very excited to get some gandalfs, romans and hulas.

i have a very small selection of space themed figs in a mixed display of astronauts ad aliens. i can't quite get into the playmo aliens, personally, but i think maybe i'm in the minority. remind me too much of kermit!
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: Pynedor on February 23, 2013, 16:45:23
Nice find! Thanks for the pictures. :)
Title: Re: F?gures series 4 in Belgium.
Post by: stroebel83 on May 05, 2013, 01:03:34
Great pictures. I am happy for you on the finds. My retailers only carry the female sets, and those are one series behind