Thanks guys, glad you like the pics!
I haven't made them with a specific painter in mind, though I am by education quite familiar with the great Dutch & Flemish masters
Having the pics compared to some extent with their work is very flattering!!
Brubil visited me past Sunday and brought me a German DS-bakery I asked for (the original one is somewhere stashed away in a box, God knows which one
) and I thought of making a little scenery with it.
I swapped the German-language stickers for customs, because the plan is to use the bakery in an 18th-century Carribean or English porttown.
(question that remains: will the DS-bakery for the export markets - if it gets exported outside Germany- include English/French/etc.-language stickers, like the ones that were included with the original Steck-houses?? )The furnace came with the seperate kitchen-set of the previous Fairytale-castle: