Hi Stacy!!!
Great to see you here
I have three littlies too and although all the Playmobil in our house belongs to 'mummy' they are of course more than welcome to play with any of my stash!
I keep my Grande mansion on a large, low table in the front room so its permanently on display.
I need to get to it regularly so I can post about the goings on there on my blog:
http://hookytime.blogspot.com/The table has a painted grass and train track effect on it as its supposed to be the base for a Brio train set-up.
All my other bits and bobs are stored in suitcases or shoeboxes underneath said table.
Anyway that's how I keep my downstairs collection-who said anything about the upstairs collections lol
A girl can never have enough 'stash' right
Best wishes