Not sure if this is the right place to post this because it's not really an exhibition but other members asking about putting on an exhbition and saying they wish they had somewhere to set up displays gave me an idea.
Some of you may remember that last Christmas I put on a 'show' of my Christmas/Winter themed Playmobil for two local schools - this was the first one... second one had each dfisplay on seperate tables and included a ski slope.
This year I've been asked to do the same again for another local village school, which I am thrilled to be able to do because I have more Playmobil to use and ideas for other small displays including using the Santa Claus Steamboat (Thank you for that Gis!)
Back to the idea I had. Some members were saying how they would love to set up a diorama at an exhibition or similar, but has anyone thought of asking their local school if they would like something setting up for the children to see?
It could be something that fits in with the curriculum or just a display for the children's enjoyment, especially towards the end of term when perhaps not as much emphasis is put on school work and there is more free time for the children to view a display.
Just a thought, but I get so much pleasure out of setting up even a small display and I'm sure many of you would too.
Unless the school has an area where things can be left say overnight (if you dare risk that!) it is hard work and you need to be very organised, small items needed to be fastened in place beforehand and everything seperated as to where it would go.
The displays I did were set up with my husband's help in under 90 minutes!
At the second one, the children spent possibly an hour going round looking at the scenes and then the Playmo was dismantled and packed away in even less time.
Hard work for such a short time, but worth it to see the look on the childrens' faces.
Anyway, with no where else to display your Playmobil perhaps this is an option to consider.
I'm setting mine up on the 16th December so I'll take plenty of photos to post. I'm getting excited about it already!