Hello everybody!
Since I'm new here, I thought I'd do a quick introduction. I'm Keesinho, a Dutch fan of Playmobil, ever since I was 4. That was quite some time ago though, but over the years, I kept my love for playmobil! A few years ago I started collecting my favorite childhood toy again!
My main collector's focus lies on the Playmo Western themed sets as I loved them so much as a kid. I'm trying to collect all the sets (and if possible with the original box) but I'm nowhere near that goal yet. But that's the main fun of collecting isn't it? Once its completed, you are ..errr..done
Hopefully I'll meet like minded people here, who love to share stories of their playmo-hunting at flea-markets, ebay and who knows where. The search is probably the most rewarding part of the hobby
Next to collecting the sets, I love to customize and restore old klickies. Disassembling them, restoring their often weakened frame to full strength, and of course creating all sorts of new figures.
Have fun, and keep collecting!