same here with the smaller in bigger boxes. etc
i store all newer boxes like this.
after a massive clean up of my collection i have set up all old boxes by themes. if there are special parts or spare parts / double parts of a certain rare set i will put it in the box. ( for example i have a spare bell from the schuldturm / i keep this part in the box. )i keep all medieval houses in smaller boxes assembled. then i have wooden boxes for all my steck parts. also my fav. western klickys , loose medieval stuff are in different wooden boxes.
then there are storage boxes with feathers , small animals , hats , furniture etc. also themed by medieval, 1900 , cowboys , pirates etc.
in the wooden boxes i have also stored klickys , house parts etc. from different themes in frost bags ( ? ) cheap , solid and you can see whats inside. love those.