Author Topic: PM Box Storage  (Read 3061 times)

Offline tigana123

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PM Box Storage
« on: November 17, 2011, 14:36:11 »
Hi all,

I have a somewhat "strange" question: I have seen several people talking on how they exhibit/display and store their playmobil. However what do you do with all the boxes from the playmobil packaging. Do you just throw them away, or keep them somewhere (intact or just break them) etc?

Up to know I haven't thrown away any boxes, but they take a significant amount of space (even if I put some the small inside the larger ones). Any ideas?



Offline bonniebeth

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 14:44:53 »
I throw away recycle 0) :P all my boxes. That may disqualify me as a true collector, but I just don't have room for them!
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Offline tahra

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 14:57:09 »
I'm in the PAINFUL process of flatenning most of mine :(

Offline Lindama

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2011, 15:13:40 »
I have all of mine stashed in my wardrobe! I have thrown out a few of them, but with great sorrow and only when they are damaged.
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Offline Ace

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2011, 16:31:18 »
I keep all my boxes flattend on a shelf in my Playmo-Room. I used to have them all packed into a tub in the garage, but there were too many to fit in there after a while  :klickywink:! I think the pictures on the boxes and the memories that go with the sets make them really special to me, almost as much as the Playmos that came in them  :love:
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Offline flatcat

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2011, 16:56:19 »
I am one of those packaging obsessives! 8} 8} 8}

Every set is kept in it's box wherever possible. Nothing is ever flatpacked or thrown away 0)

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Offline BlackPearl2006

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2011, 17:23:33 »
I just don't have the room, so smaller more "insignifcant" sets' boxes get thrown in the rubbish (Or, if I REALLY LIKE the box art, I'll cut out the pictures and file them away with all my instructions).

If it's a BIG set, like the 3940 or the Knight's Empire Castle, I keep the box, but I do break the factory glue points and flatten the box for storage.  I have a hot glue gun, so I'm confident I can reassemble the box at any time.  However, I still have ended up cutting up some big sets' boxes, including the Skull Pirate Ship and BlackBeard's ship boxes;  their front artwork now is hung in my son's room as wall art along with some giant PM posters that usually come with those big sets.

For sure, one thing I like about most PM is that the box itself is beautiful art as well, especially with the vintage ones.  Newer box art doesn't seem as imaginative or impressive to me IMO.
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Offline conniefrere

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2011, 19:00:55 »
The boxes are stored in my secret attic room. My girlfriend doesn't realises this, it slowly is looking like a little toystore magazine.
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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2011, 19:29:12 »
Depends on the box... I recycle most of them, but I tend to keep the important ones or the ones that are older and more rare, usually placing the smaller in he bigger ones. Of course, I keep them in another house so no real worries about space on their part here.

Offline Playmo_80

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Re: PM Box Storage
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2011, 19:56:15 »
I keep all the boxes...I only fold recent boxes, because they have folds that allow them to be flattened without damaged (and it's a way to save room). The polystyrene and the older carton boxes are not flattened, I keep them in the garage (in plastics bags), and in two bedrooms....I can't recycle the boxes because for me, boxes are as valuable as the klickies.... :wave:
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