I'm scared now! Is this dangerous to our health?Damo
Oh yeah! Put a thermometer in an attic & watch it during a day when the temp is 95 to 103 degrees outside & see what an attic gets to, then think about those poor, pooooor Klicky's, sweating in those plastic bins,.....screaming,.....help us, ooooh please help us, call 911, we're meeeelting !
That's a very good question Damo, I wonder if it could be any worse than if there is BPA used in Playmobil's plastic formula & the contact over time it would have.
If there was anything possibly dangerous in the plastics then surely it would have been re-called years ago Damo
Those poor, poor, klickies! I can imagine the cries for help slowly fading away as they melt into plastic goo...Just kidding.
BPA was just discovered as a possible controversial health issue, & has been recently removed from many baby feeding bottles, plastic drinking cups, etc. My wife just bought a travel cup today that had a label "BPA FREE".
I just googled it! And this is what is in Playmobil? I presuume we are safe from it if we don't go licking it?Damo
You mean you don't kiss & lick your Playmo Damo?