Author Topic: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?  (Read 12478 times)

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2011, 23:07:51 »
You have 50 ships?!?  :o   (thanks for making mine look normal  ;D )

You mix the victorian with the western? Details please?

It's two of the themes we don't much know how to handle... victorian and fairytale (the "palace stuff")...

I just use the buildings and a few of the klickies. Both of our Western and Victorian themes are large enough to have their own dioramas but sometimes one huge one is fun too. We also do not know what to do with the fairy stuff so we hide them in some forest randomly. The Palace stuff we are trying to fit in to the Egyptian theme

Old picture and we have a dozen or so MIB

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Offline playmogal

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #51 on: December 07, 2011, 00:58:02 »

Looks like we need to build you a small ocean for your PM fleet! Holycow!

I am guessing that you have one of the largest collections on the West Coast and that BB has the same on the East Coast. So it would make sense to have you two each select a place and time for an exhibition, and the rest of us fall in line. That way you don't have to rent a long haul semi to move all of your precious belongings to a show. A short haul semi might be necessary though!

Maybe the East Coasters could hit BB's show, and the West Coasters could go with Ras. bb might have to go to both since she lives in the middle of the country....sorry! And we could share videos of both shows with the other coasters.

If it could be on a holiday weekend besides Thanksgiving, maybe a three day show would attract more folks. Not sure exactly where either of you live, but you could choose a venue that works for you. That is my two cents worth, Pgal
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #52 on: December 07, 2011, 01:08:27 »
We have the wine country in Sonoma County CA  :cham:

I could buy a very large enclosed trailer and take it with my truck. A 24 foot trailer is the longest they make and that sounds a like too much .

Its displaying and playing that takes all the room.

We are just settling at our new house and we are bringing out lots of stuff so I can start taking pics..
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Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #53 on: December 07, 2011, 01:10:49 »
I totally agree, Pgal! A three day exhibition, perhaps in the summer, would attract vacationers which would add to the other people at the exhibition. :)
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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #54 on: December 07, 2011, 01:54:40 »
This is a wild idea, so I'll just let er rip...So what if BB did a show in his area over Memorial Day weekend (end of May) for East Coasters and Ras did a show in his area over Labor Day weekend (early Sept.) for West Coasters? And some really fortunate folks might be able to make it to both events.

It could be a two day show so folks could travel a day before and after the events. And we could find a reasonably priced hotel that would throw in a few large rooms for displays. How many of you would be willing to pay $80. a night for 2-3 nights for a hotel room at either event (if we could find a hotel at such a low price?) Individuals may want to share to keep the cost down.

We are assuming someplace in/near Sonoma County, CA for the West Coast show over Labor Day weekend and someplace in SC for the East Coast Show over Memorial Day weekend. If we finalized the dates this month, those who need to arrange their vacation time for 2012 would be able to do it.

The first question is would Ras and Bill B be willing to set up their small cities on one of those dates? Or would July fourth work better for one of them? Once they buy in, we could get a show of hands for how many would be interested in attending which show for a certain date. Any other ideas here folks? Thanks, Pgal
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #55 on: December 07, 2011, 02:07:15 »
Well, I would be a lot more likely to make the one on the east coast. I'm a lot closer to south carolina than to california! If there are enough of us going, we should be able to get a group rate at a hotel, and then it would be extremely convenient to be staying in the same building where we were exhibiting. Assuming we are able to make it, I would be interested in setting up a diorama, the bigger the better, really.

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Offline tahra

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2011, 09:13:42 »
I just use the buildings and a few of the klickies. Both of our Western and Victorian themes are large enough to have their own dioramas but sometimes one huge one is fun too. We also do not know what to do with the fairy stuff so we hide them in some forest randomly. The Palace stuff we are trying to fit in to the Egyptian theme

Old picture and we have a dozen or so MIB

Double  :o   8}  :love:

Ok, my fleet is completely tiny.. I'm normal. REALLY.  ;D

Offline Ace

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2011, 14:15:52 »
I think I could make it in July or August to Sonoma County if there was one there; it would be a lot of fun! $80 dollars a night for 2-3 nights sounds fine  :).  I don't have enough of one theme to set up a display, but I'd like to have a table for my Playmobil Times magazine where people could put down their e-mails to be on the online mailing list :D.
Ace :brownhair:

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2011, 18:13:31 »
I am in Sonoma County but I always thought doing a show in San Fransisco would be more appropriate, big city, more people, more things for visitors to do and a better reason to go. Just my 2 cents, not that 2 cents get you anywhere nowadays.

I can do just about any day
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Offline playmogal

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Re: Playmobil exhibitions in the U.S?
« Reply #59 on: December 07, 2011, 19:48:59 »

The SFO area sounds great! Any particular part of it that you recommend? Maybe somewhere not too far from the airport in case folks fly in and with lots for free parking for those who drive. Which May-Sept. holiday works best for you? Do you have a favorite hotel just outside the city? We have used the Oakland and San Jose airports as well, so they might have airport hotels that are empty on holidays, too.

If I remember correctly, downtown is really expensive. We stayed at 5th and Market I think last time at the Marriott about 8 years ago, and hotel rates have been high every time I have checked since then as well.

Any idea how much space you would need to set up the displays you are willing to bring? Those of us who fly in obviously won't be bringing much. It could be a great time for folks to trade sets and parts if they have the ability to bring them along.

Once we narrow it down to a location that seems to work, I'd be glad to help find a decent hotel with affordable rates and some meeting rooms they would throw in with the deal.

Cheers, Pgal :wave:
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!