That is a most interesting helmet!! Its certainly early corintian, but I've never seen any such horns on greek helmet... Homer does discribe in Iliad greeks wearing small horns, usually of animal teeth, like boar tusks, on the helmets but these were placed on the forehead... And minoan helmets looked nothing like that.. they had bigger openings in the face and either covered by boar tusks or had just a small horn on the forehead.... Its possible that these horns on the helmet you show us were added a lot later... Maybe, as you speculated very good, to create a gladiator helmet. I'd be interested to learn where this was found and where its located now.
And your work is awesome!!!

Probably best to use it just for a gladiator though, or a fantasy like greek setting because there are no accounts of such helmets, although new stuff are constantly found and bring new light to arcaelogical research...