What theme would you pick for Contest ONE 2011?
- Music to my ears
3 (7%)
- Changing seasons
4 (9.3%)
- Time for a change
1 (2.3%)
- Santa's surprise
6 (14%)
- Comic/Joke (lettering allowed)
3 (7%)
- Magic night
4 (9.3%)
- And that is why...... (you fill in the blank)
2 (4.7%)
- Kids only (not adult clickies in the shot)
1 (2.3%)
- Nature (pics must be in a natural/real surrounding)
2 (4.7%)
- Your country
1 (2.3%)
- Tradition
2 (4.7%)
- Clickies in everyday life (clickies doing human stuff)
4 (9.3%)
- Historically uncorrect
7 (16.3%)
- When swords clash
3 (7%)
Total Members Voted: 25
Voting closed: November 14, 2011, 12:05:38