I'd ordered orange clickies from the red egg to make custom knights, but the orange is so bright I only made one. It's not heraldic at all and you can't print this shade with an inkjet printer.
So, I decided it'd make a nice hazmat suit for a new Batman custom:

For the head I used an all different method than my former Batman (which is now at Panos'). I sculpted the hood with plastiline on top of a clicky head. Made a mold in alginate. Cast resin inside. Re-sculpted the resin and made it smooth, moldedt it again in silicone, so now I can make more easily.
Then I painted the hood and face with Citadel (acrylic) paints. I prefer enamels (from Humbrol or Tamiya) but at home, with three kids, two of them under 4, acrylic is a mandatory choice.

The breathing gear comes from the diver PM gives away with DS orders. Now my diver has become the "Man from Atlantis"

(Under 40: Rookies, you can't know that show!

I'm also working on three new figures: The Joker, Captain America and The Daredevil...they will all have cast-resin heads.
I've put this one on eBay.uk (ends on saturday night, can't wait!), if it sells well, I'm making more.

I'll post some pics of the WIP this week-end.