The Hind is English too, though it belongs to a different era then the Renown and Surprise. Sir Francis Drake (a fellow from England in the 16th century) had a flagship named "Golden Hind", and he often raided Spanish ships and porttowns.
The ship I showed here might get ultimately another name, as "Golden Hind" might go to another one (

) with custom-stickers from "A." I should send him some pics of how the real GH looked like, she had totally different colors...
The Golden Hind should take on Spanish ships.
Walcheren is named after a Dutch island, and Vlaenderen is the old write-form of "Vlaanderen" (Flanders in English). These ships are supposed to act as 16th/17th-century East-India Company trading vessels. In that era, the Dutch were allies of England against Spain...
Renown & Surpise are rather 18th-century ships, they should fight... ehrr... my French fleet's 3940s, or against pirate ships.
The Black Prince is a "muliti-century" pirates' ship (I got inspired for her name by Rowan Atkinson's performance as the Black Prince in the hilarious BBC-series "Blackadder")...
I've indeed some additional sailes to replace the skull-ones, and indeed as they come from the frontmast, they are a bit shorter then the skull-sail. So it looks like the sail catches a bit less wind when attaced to the rearmast. I'm gonna equip the ships on display with the skull-ones , and keep the other sails stored to protect them from light and dust.
For the dutch & flemish vessels I used black riggings because it looked just good, on the Black Prince it adds more darkness to the ship. On the Renown and Surprise, the beige riggings gave a better result with the red sidestickers. So, weither to choose black or beige riggings to use, I decide it with the ship's other colours in mind.
The anchor from the Ghost Ship is indeed a good indea to replace the current one, it is on my DS-partslist

Erwin: Just
