Author Topic: For WarriorofToys...  (Read 3010 times)

Offline Hadoque

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For WarriorofToys...
« on: October 27, 2011, 15:36:21 »
As WoT asked to see the ships I've posted sofar together, here is an overview of several (modified) 5135s in the fleet...  :captain:

First ones are 2 look-a-likes:

A Dutch galleon (the former "Verenigde Provincieën", which I now have renamed "Walcheren") and a Flemisch galleon called "Vlaenderen" (which still needs to get the proper sternsticker with the ship's name). Except for the sternstickers, and different national flags on the aft-masts, they are indentical.

I kept the shortened internal 5135-deck and the fake guns on both, and added on each 4 black guncarriages with goldencoloured bullit-barrels on the topdeck.
The red bow-ornament is sprayed in copper on both, and the red anchorwheel and helmwheel have been replaced by a mediumbrown anchorwheel like on the 3940 and a redbrown helmwheel like on the 4290.

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Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2011, 15:37:30 »

I'm posting in the wrong subforum! Please move the thread to "collector's corner"! thanks!  :-[

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Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2011, 15:44:04 »
Then there is the "Black Prince", which you've also seen before.

This ship looks much like the "Walcheren" and "Vlaenderen", but got a 3940-gundeck inside and has a total of 12 very dark cannons (antracite wheels, black guncarriages, 90's antracite/black bullit-barrels); 8 below deck and 4 on the topdeck.
The bow-ornament is in copper like on the 2 ships above, the anchorwheel and helmwheel are darkbrown like on the 5778 (which is a 3750-based US exclusive from a while ago).
"Walcheren", "Vlaenderen" and "Black Prince" are equipped with black 3940-riggings, while the next ships shown retain their original 5135's beige riggings.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 16:07:45 by Hadoque »

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Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2011, 15:47:59 »
Then the more recently unveiled "Golden Hind"...
She is the same as the "Walcheren" and "Vlaenderen", but with custom-stickers on the sides instead of blue 3940-stickers.

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Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2011, 15:57:33 »
And finally the already commissioned English ships "HMS Surprise" and "HMS Renown".

Compared with previous pics, the "HMS Surprise" has now also a 3940-gundeck inside and cannons with metal-coloured bullit-barrels, like on the "Renown".
I recently gave her also custom-stickers on her sides, but different ones then on the "Renown"; this time I went for plain darkred ones with black edges (so like the 3940's original stickers, just other colours).
Both also have golden bow-ornaments and brown anchorwheels like the 3940, and redbrown helmwheels like the 5778.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 16:05:23 by Hadoque »

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Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2011, 15:58:16 »
"Renown" and "Surprise" together...

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Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 15:59:29 »
And last pic; an overview of the ships together.

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Offline BlackPearl2006

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2011, 16:36:00 »
You're not a big fan of the're the ULTIMATE FAN!

Impressive fleet!  Do they war against each other?  Let's see, you have Dutch, Flemish, and English...

is the "Hind" German?  And what affiliation be the Black Prince?

btw, which do you prefer?  Beige rigging? or Black rigging? 

The old 3050 styles ships look good with beige rigging even though in reality they should be black.  Considering the 5135 is similar in colour to the old 3050, I think the beige looks good with it as well.  Certainly better than the blackbeard or corsairs that have yellow rigging (yuk), or the new ship with red rigging.

Did you order extra sails so you can use the non-pirate sails instead?  While the mainsail and foresail seem interchangeable, I have noticed, at least on the 3940, that the mainsail is a tad bigger than the fore.  So are you using an extra foresail to replace the jollyroger?  What will you do with all your left over spankers, jibs, and collection of unused jollyroger sails I wonder?  And what will you do with all your unused fake cannons?  (sorry, I'm curious what projects you have in mind!) 

You know what us 3940/5135 ship owners need to get next?  bulk order of the anchors used for the ghost pirate ship.  More accurate than the dinky (and now plastic?) anchors that come with the 5135. (though the anchor has to be ordered in seperate parts :( 

Now if only these ships came with catheads from which to weigh the anchors.
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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2011, 16:42:54 »
Erwin: Just  :wow: :wow: :wow:

Offline Hadoque

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Re: For WarriorofToys...
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2011, 17:33:37 »

The Hind is English too, though it belongs to a different era then the Renown and Surprise. Sir Francis Drake (a fellow from England in the 16th century) had a flagship named "Golden Hind", and he often raided Spanish ships and porttowns.
The ship I showed here might get ultimately another name, as "Golden Hind" might go to another one ( :-[ ) with custom-stickers from "A." I should send him some pics of how the real GH looked like, she had totally different colors...
The Golden Hind should take on Spanish ships.

Walcheren is named after a Dutch island, and Vlaenderen is the old write-form of "Vlaanderen" (Flanders in English). These ships are supposed to act as 16th/17th-century East-India Company trading vessels. In that era, the Dutch were allies of England against Spain...

Renown & Surpise are rather 18th-century ships, they should fight... ehrr... my French fleet's 3940s, or against pirate ships.

The Black Prince is a "muliti-century" pirates' ship (I got inspired for her name by Rowan Atkinson's performance as the Black Prince in the hilarious BBC-series "Blackadder")...

I've indeed some additional sailes to replace the skull-ones, and indeed as they come from the frontmast, they are a bit shorter then the skull-sail. So it looks like the sail catches a bit less wind when attaced to the rearmast. I'm gonna equip the ships on display with the skull-ones , and keep the other sails stored to protect them from light and dust.

For the dutch & flemish vessels I used black riggings because it looked just good, on the Black Prince it adds more darkness to the ship. On the Renown and Surprise, the beige riggings gave a better result with the red sidestickers. So, weither to choose black or beige riggings to use, I decide it with the ship's other colours in mind.

The anchor from the Ghost Ship is indeed a good indea to replace the current one, it is on my DS-partslist  ;)

Erwin: Just  :wow: :wow: :wow:

thanks  :)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 17:46:42 by Hadoque »

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