Rasputin, I think, you are right!
No, I think not. This solution does NOT make EVERYONE happy!
If you are a seller of used Playmobil (& not of DS articles!) & also a collector, you can't get DS products from Playmobil (for yourself or for your kids, and your wife also do not get them!)!
With this solution, most of the DS product resellers continue selling many, many DS articles!! Look at Ebay.
And collectors (which are also sellers of used Playmobil), which don't sell DS products, can't buy DS products any more.
That's no good solution. I need the DS products for our garden train, but I don't get them.
I'm know at Playmobil-Belgium (that one covers The Netherlands and Luxembourg too) as a collector (I mentioned it on my DS parts-orders and I've send a few pics - not really to prove anything since they never asked for it, but mostly because some of the people processing the orders do wonder what collectors do with all the stuff). Not sure if Playmobil Belgium (now aka Playmobil Northern Europe) passes this info on to Geobra in Zirndorf...
I haven't sold any Playmobil-part, klicky or whatsoever on ebay ever.
But I do have 2 big boxes of Playmo that I can't use, like sets I bought over the last 10 years just for some items they included which I needed for my projects/collection. Suppose I sort those boxes out and decide to sell everything I cannot use on ebay (thus things I did not order as parts through DS, but that came from "regular catalogue"-sets in the shops or from the Playmobil-website) ...
If Geobra sees I sell these parts I have no use for on ebay, so then I will be prohibited to buy DS-add-on sets or place DS-partsorders?!

And I have many pirates' ships.... If I offer 1 for sale on ebay, I then won't get access to DS anymore??

I think in that case the collectors worldwide still able to order from DS will be counted on a few hands...
I hope that is not their intention, is it?

Regarding proof of one's collection-pics sent to Playmobil are genuine or not:
They do read on the forums, and so they can check out if the pics you sent them have ever been posted by you on a Playmobil-fanforum, or if you have a website yourself where you show your collection and/or customs.