Author Topic: Proof of collectors status  (Read 11290 times)

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #60 on: October 22, 2011, 01:06:02 »
There's just no way Playmobil can keep all parts available. There isn't storage space enough. Heather lists over 24 thousand parts in her database, and that's nowhere near all of them. So ideally we would like them to rotate through the most popular ones every few years so prices in the secondary market dont get too out of hand.

WE are talking about tiny pieces of plastic not whole airplanes. 24 thousand individual parts that sell like hot cakes sounds like a good side business. Not that they all sell great but it does not take long to figure out which ones do, or do they not have a computer data base yet  ::) Yes, they can not keep them all in production or even on hand but why not sell the ones they do have in the amounts we want?

For some reason I get the sneaky suspicion that Geobra might actually like all this turmoil. If they created an artificially limited supply then collectors and normal customers would have to buy big sets to get the parts they wanted. If we could all just go and buy all the stuff we wanted one at a time in parts orders why would we buy boxed sets? The profit margins on the boxed sets has to be much greater than selling custom parts orders with lots of staff hours assembling them for individuals. 100 guns times 10¢ is still only $10 but if you had to have 100 guns and you had to buy the smallest boxed set, a special, for $3 that is $300. Now comes the tricky part seeing as some will want to sell off all those extra bits and the Klickies. No one wants 100 of the same klicky so people customize them to attract buyers.  8}

this is not true ... most of us are vintage playmobil collectors, why should we buy from them to be named "COLLECTORS"" their new products are garbage not worth the money they ask for them ,and PLAYMOBIL is nothing like it used to be , talking for myself i use only ebay-paypal that's my playmobil shop ,only occasionally i buy from stores ,or ds ,because there is nothing interesting to buy from them now :no:

Geobra does not have "Vintage" parts for sale, only new items or re-releases so I guess this has nothing to do with you then  ;) and any time you get some "garbage" just let me know and I will gladly send postage funds, just doing my part to put less stress on New York garbage barges that end up in our oceans  ;D

PS: nothing is like it used to be one second ago, the only thing that stays the same is constant change. Even all those MIB sets are not the same when they were brand new. All that shelf wear etc......... :lol:
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Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #61 on: October 22, 2011, 01:15:22 »
Alex, I do not believe it is accurate to say that most of us are vintage collectors. There are a few of us who are, but most of us are still buying current stuff too. Most of us do NOT think that all the new stuff is garbage. :hmm:
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Offline playmo1989

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #62 on: October 22, 2011, 01:27:46 »
Alex, I do not believe it is accurate to say that most of us are vintage collectors. There are a few of us who are, but most of us are still buying current stuff too. Most of us do NOT think that all the new stuff is garbage. :hmm:

hmmm.... you think? shall we make a poll?  :hmm: :hmm:
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Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #63 on: October 22, 2011, 06:14:38 »
their new products are garbage not worth the money they ask for them ,and PLAYMOBIL is nothing like it used to be ,

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

and i thought i was hardcore ..... obviously not... my playmo soul exuberates  0)

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Offline grangel

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Re: Proove of collectors status
« Reply #64 on: October 22, 2011, 13:39:52 »
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I dont share your view at all angelo. Remember the support etc etc we have had from Playmobil Greece and the relationship we have built the past 2 years . I think its very unfair to say this Sir and i would advice to retract your statement as i think can damage our excellent relatioship with playmobil greece, something on a personal level i like to think I have tried  hard to built in the  past 3 years and on many occasions to achieve this i bought many sets and items not from ebay but from playmolil greece and I am proud to say i have made some contribution to get the DS orders . I think we should be all thnakfull for the relatioship and support we have from Playmobil Greece Sir !!!!!!

George it is clear that you misjudge my words.On the other hand if i post here the letter from lego direct service that i  have received last week yeah the guys are PRO with the full meaning.

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Proove of collectors status
« Reply #65 on: October 22, 2011, 13:52:51 »
On the other hand if i post here the letter from lego direct service that i  have received last week yeah the guys are PRO with the full meaning.

i think you should post so we all know  what you mean and refer to sir
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Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2011, 16:01:11 »
I for one like the new modern sets especially the rescue, firefighting, police, hospital, & etc. themes. Compared to the very early small ladder trucks like the reissued 7786 that are considered vintage, I much rather have the new style fire trucks with more life like accessories.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 20:40:38 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Hadoque

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Re: Proove of collectors status
« Reply #67 on: October 22, 2011, 16:39:17 »
Rasputin, I think, you are right!

No, I think not. This solution does NOT make EVERYONE happy!
If you are a seller of used Playmobil (& not of DS articles!) & also a collector, you can't get DS products from Playmobil (for yourself or for your kids, and your wife also do not get them!)!

With this solution, most of the DS product resellers continue selling many, many DS articles!! Look at Ebay.
And collectors (which are also sellers of used Playmobil), which don't sell DS products, can't buy DS products any more.

That's no good solution. I need the DS products for our garden train, but I don't get them.

I'm know at Playmobil-Belgium (that one covers The Netherlands and Luxembourg too) as a collector (I mentioned it on my DS parts-orders and I've send a few pics - not really to prove anything since they never asked for it, but mostly because some of the people processing the orders do wonder what collectors do with all the stuff). Not sure if Playmobil Belgium (now aka Playmobil Northern Europe) passes this info on to Geobra in Zirndorf...

I haven't sold any Playmobil-part, klicky or whatsoever on ebay ever.
But I do have 2 big boxes of Playmo that I can't use, like sets I bought over the last 10 years just for some items they included which I needed for my projects/collection. Suppose I sort those boxes out and decide to sell everything I cannot use on ebay (thus things I did not order as parts through DS, but that came from "regular catalogue"-sets in the shops or from the Playmobil-website) ...
If Geobra sees I sell these parts I have no use for on ebay, so then I will be prohibited to buy DS-add-on sets or place DS-partsorders?!  :o  :(o): And I have many pirates' ships.... If I offer 1 for sale on ebay, I then won't get access to DS anymore??  8}

I think in that case the collectors worldwide still able to order from DS will be counted on a few hands...
I hope that is not their intention, is it? ::)

Regarding proof of one's collection-pics sent to Playmobil are genuine or not:
They do read on the forums, and so they can check out if the pics you sent them have ever been posted by you on a Playmobil-fanforum, or if you have a website yourself where you show your collection and/or customs.

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Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #68 on: October 22, 2011, 16:53:50 »
Regarding Geobra curiosity about our collection: accourding to playmobil hellas officials up until now it was company policy not to have any relationship with collectors. Not even visiting forums... this last part sounded really strange to me. No that things have change, most collectors have come in contact with regional departments and a PCC is on the way, Geobra is curious to learn how we are using their toys. Nothing bad about that. But, like Hadoque, if i had the opportunity to sell any playmobil on ebay, I'd be at ease nowing Geobra wont mind.

As for todays playmobil, they are very sophsticated, and like Bill I love all these new new sets. I dont care if they look to fantasy or real life-like, all modern day playmobil are awesome, even the ones I do not buy for my collection. I think Playmobil has progressed in a great stage!!!

Offline Hadoque

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Re: Proof of collectors status
« Reply #69 on: October 22, 2011, 16:59:52 »
Regarding Geobra creating "Collector-files" with pics or other info you sent or will send them:

That sounds a bit strange and perhaps uncomfortable to me.

If they keep f.e. the pics because they like them, and/or to possibly use them for marketing reasons like promoting the future PCC to the "common public", no problemo. And if just the person(s) processing DS-parts-orders have such a file to see if someone ordering in large amounts is a true collector, that's fine by me as well.

But once they would start to use these files/informations to observe your personal life, like to check out what you sell on ebay (cars, clothes, hairpaint, whatsoever, or perhaps... 2nd-hand Playmo?!  :omg:) or to send private detectives to check if you go to sales on fleamarkets  :lol:,  I wouldn't feel too happpy about that.
"Big Brother" is my "Private Ennemy N° 1".  ;)

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