This morning a 911 call came in reporting an car crash at the corner of Mason st and Hearth st.
On scene: Two of our finest arrive first to assess the scene and secure it.

Right about the same time the rescue truck arrives to assist with putting out any small fires and get ready to extract the injured driver.

A close up of the fire and rescue getting the jaws of life ready to use

Another police officer arrives on scene to help with the traffic issue.

Just now the Paramedics arrive and start getting ready to help the patient

Now the jaws of life are put to work and the injured man is pulled from the car

The paramedics quickly get updated by the rescue unit and start working to save the mans life

CPR is started to try to revive the man

Once his vitals became stable enough for transport they loaded on the stretcher

and put him in the ambulance to go to the hospital

Then the wrecker truck was allowed to remove the badly damaged car

Police state the the man ( who's name will remain unknown) is recovering well due to the quick response of the emergency services.