I figured this set could use a good picture that clearly shows all the included items without the cardboard background which most of us probably won't use anyways.
It seems to be about right for 21 euros, plenty of usefull little items here and I love clutter like that.
There are a few odd pieces however, and things I would have prefered differently in this set.
There is a spoon for example, but nothing to put it in.
A normal sized barrel would have been good enough for that.
The little three headed rubber sea monster seems odd too, I am not a fan of it. More snakes or some fish might have been more usefull.
Not a fan of the ghost pirate and skeleton either, considering that advent is something religious, it could be seen as inappropriate.
A chimp, a set of gold pieces and maybe a lady pirate may have been a better choice.
And when not using the cardboard cut out there is the issue with the hammock since its on one side attached to it.
I found a solution by using the castaway island however.
Clickies are nice, theres a standard pirate guy that should blend in nicely with any crew, and a kid that might look a bit modern, but I gues he can work fine with the pirates too. Might just make him easy to use in modern settings.He could have used a hat or a little ragged vest to make it more clear he is a pirate kid.
I do have a question for those more familiar with playmobil skeletons and skulls, the seperate skull in this set has large eyeholes, is there a reason for this in any other set its included in? to put something in the eye sockets?