Author Topic: The New and Improved Photo Contest -- A Summary  (Read 4222 times)

Offline bonniebeth

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The New and Improved Photo Contest -- A Summary
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:44:03 »
Hello playmofriends,

As you may have read, we have decided to reorganize the photo conest. Starting November 1st, 2011, we will no longer be having the contest monthly, but every six weeks. On day one of the cycle, one of the moderators will open a thread with the name of the contest, for example: "Photo Contest One, 2011," and we will begin accepting nominations for the theme. When the first week is over, we will lock the thread and add a poll for voting on the theme. Voting for the theme will go on for one week. Once we have a theme, we will anounce it in large letters in this same thread, so that it is easy to find, along with a copy of the instructions and rules as stated below. Over the following three weeks you may send in your photos. We will then remove the poll for voting for the theme from the thread, and add all the photo entries and a poll to vote for your favorite on this same thread. At this time the thread will be unlocked to allow for discussion and comments on the entries. It's important to note that there will only be one thread created for each contest. So you will need to be aware and keep up with the latest posts in the ongoing thread so that you do not miss your chance to vote on your favorite photo as the contest comes to an end.

By having only one thread for every six week cycle, we are hoping everyone will find it easier to find the photo contest information they are looking for... rules, instructions, deadline for entries, and current theme. We have also created a thread containing a schedule, which will stay as a sticky topic in the photo contest board, so you can easily look up the dates and see where we are in our six week cycle. We hope this new process will be much simpler and easier to follow, with no overlap. If something about it just isn't working, then we can try making some more adjustments.

One more note: if there are less than seven entries for a contest, there will be no voting, but rather the pics will just be posted with credit to their creators. Hopefully this won't be a problem now that we are allowing three entries per member though.


All entries are to be submitted to on or before the last day for submitting entries.
Each entry should have a title, by which the photo will be known.
If you need help figuring out how to send the photo, feel free to PM any moderator for assistance.

A few simple rules:

1.) Up to three entries per member. When submitting multiple entries, each must be an entirely different photo and concept, not multiple takes of the same scene or the same pic photoshopped different ways.

2.) No words, text, or speech bubbles may be added to the photo, unless it is explicitly allowed by the theme. Any explanation needed to understand the concept should be a part of the title.

3.) All forum rules apply. Pictures may not contain nudity (including naked klickys), sexual innuendo, or any offensive, racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, or political content. Any photos that contain such content will not be included in the contest.

4.) All entries are to remain anonymous until the voting finishes, so please do not post anything that will indicate which photos are yours. When the voting is finished, we will give credit to all our artists.

5.) All photos must be new photos that have not been posted in the forum before.

6.) Photoshop, or any other editing program, is allowed only for basic editing, such as crop, color/brightness /contrast adjustments and size changing. Filters, special effects, background insertion or image composition (adding other images) are not allowed unless the theme explicitly allows it.
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Offline tonguello

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Re: The New and Improved Photo Contest -- A Summary
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 18:13:16 »
If you have any questions or doubts about the selected theme, or the photocontest in general, please PM one of the mods so we can help you. (tonguello, bonniebeth or wolf knight)

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