I have been busy putting my 14 year older brother and 10 year older sister's playmobil together in the last days, but have some troubles with it.
They dont know anymore what belonged to whom, so might not be sure about the little details of the sets either so I figured I might as well ask here.
There are quite a few broken and missing parts, including quite a lot of parts that where appearantly already broken or missing before I started playing with it! I can remember some things, but other parts not at all, and they never assembled it as intended, aside from the prison tower.
The archives on the dutch playmobil site are helping a great deal, but they don't show the full inventory and any possible variations.
Anyways, on to my questions:
the 3232-A set from 1976 has a bike with it, I presume my brother had this set since it seems to work out with all the equipment in there, but the bike I have here is green and not blue. Could this just be a slightly different version of it?
The 3313-A set from 1975, construction worker with wheelbarrow, does it have two cones with it or just one as depicted? I have two here so if theres two in this set that would solve where the other one belongs.
I have a yellow crate of beer here, and two orange construction hats. What set could this be part of? I dont have any construction equipment here that could explain it, but such parts could be broken or missing. For tools I just have a shovel, pick and woodcutter's axe remaining. Unless its one set with the above mentioned (orange) wheelbarrow.
3412-A shepard with sheep, is the shepard a man or woman? I dont have a male clicky here with white legs, white arms and a red chest unless hes been missing as long as I can remember.
I also have five cone shaped classic soldier helmets here, and seven classic breastplates. What could this belong to? the cone helmets seem common on clickies with a silver torso, but I only have one of them here which I assumed was a drummer in a small set.
And lastly, what assecoires came with the 3550 pirate ship? Its difficult to make out from the picture, is the pirate in red wearing a strap for his sword?