I'm definitely not WoT, so I shouldn't be jumping into a question that he should be answering, but, if you're going for a historically accurate look, do not have the horned helmets for the Gauls. Actually, IMO, you should just leave them helmet-less - most Gauls couldn't afford metal armor.
I'm happy to ask the world at large and anyone for help
and thanks for your tongue-in-cheek(?) answer....yes, I do want to stick as close to historical correctness as possible (and look as un-playmo-vikings as possible)
..so youve saved me from wasting time customising a horned helmet and an even bigger heartbreak if you advise me so after making one
and what about the use of PM viking legs (with strapped/wrapped boots) on my Gauls? (again, I dont see them, in drawings, wearing them except by DC's Mighty Thor
what's your opinion about those DS Gaul shields? why is it that the Gaul shields I see on the internet are usually these metal ones (which I was painting during my scale-model making days)
I would be glad if anyone can give me some opinion on my Gaul shields and boots, thank you!