Your custom Gauls/Celts look very good, Cheng, and I especially like the battle ax you customized!
Arnaud, your customs with their custom shields look excellent as well!
It's too bad Playmobil didn't do a better job with their Gallic/Celtic shields, but I guess that's where Arnaud comes in.
I'm basically using the round Viking shields and spanglehelms for most of my generic "barbarians" along with spears, swords, daggers, and the large and small medieval battle axes. I've thought of equipping some of them as archers too, but I haven't yet decided. My generic "barbarians" are too heavily armed and armored for many of the roles they're supposed to portray, but I justify this by making them elite warriors. My generic "barbarians" can be any number of ancient Roman "barbarian" enemies, depending on the scenario, and I also use them as the Welsh and Scots from the middle ages. These versatile "barbarians" are not completely historically correct for every tribe and time period, but they're close enough.