Do you guys notice the Red easter egg knight?? It is good to see Geobra modifying the ugly bat wings into some cool cloaks. I think the new red and silver axe and sword are nicely designed, whilst the neck wear also helps ease the ugly factor of the dragon knights
For the special plus, the training dummy is good, except for the knight's is as if he should be the dead one with that eyes. The grey pirate is a hightlight. Geobra really has done a good job introducing some more realistically looking klickies. The widelife hunter is cool.....and like the stick he is using to cook the chicken. Do you guys know any similar parts I can use before its release in 2013?? And the new sheep is use of colour....I bet they are not painted on but with new mould.
The dinosaurs (most of them) are the same with new paint job?? I am more interested on the new fauna, that is what I would have expected to see traveling back in time.
I would skip the Pony farm and police, they are cool, though not what I mostly collect.
The surprise figures!!!
New shoes for the egyptian lady!! Geisha? GREAT!! I like the scandinavian looking couple, especially the guy with green hat!! HE IS THE BEST KLICKY IN 2012. The ninjaXbruce lee asian got bad hairdo.....and I would get a team of cheerleaders