Author Topic: Selling customized sets forbidden?  (Read 9788 times)

Offline cowabounga

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 12:44:07 »
OMG! They got Vicky? That's bad! I reckon the prosecution for selling customs was just a pretext since she's a huge seller on eBay. I don't remember her selling any customs, anyway.
Here in France, the case was solved when D2 made a custom of our President (he called him Sarkobil!  :lol:). It was stated that since you buy your own clickies, you can do whatever you want with them and sell them as second-hand if you wish. You cannot say they're genuine because that would be counterfeiting. For years on, PM didn't want people (and especially the kids) to know how a clicky could be taken apart, because of the small parts that could be swallowed, but since this summer and the release of the fig?res series, how can they say anything against customising?
Of course, presenting violent scenes or WW2 realated customs can get them really angry, and we all understand why. Although PM hasn't got anything to say as to what you want to do with your clickies, they could sue because these themes are not compatible with their public, and presenting such customs would be very bad for their image. No copyright violation here, anyway. Heat treated customs also, like bent arms or legs, is touchy too because you cannot let a child do this.
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Offline tahra

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 13:02:06 »
Well, what kids are or aren't allowed to do is their parents' job... not playmobil's, or mine, or yours...

The rest.. my klickys, my decision. At least I think so. If others don't like it, don't look. We actually got a nasty comment about a card on pk...

Offline PrimusPilus

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 13:46:45 »
malta is that a part of greece???

Yesterday I received a package from Vicky (stock items). I really want to see how the accusation will prove it's illegal for you to change/modify something that is yours and was legally bought. Probably Geobra knows that they can't legally prevent this, so maybe they just want to give the second-hand market sellers a scare.

Offline Indianna

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 13:57:06 »
This case and the other one discussed here:  Malta Playmobil Prosecution and Sentencing would seem to be more about the fact that they take place in Malta than that they are an attack on Playmobil customizers.  If I remember correctly, Playmobil uses (relatively) cheap labor in Malta to assemble klickys even sending quantities of unassembled parts home with workers to assemble as "piece goods."  This is a labor practice that is susceptible to abuse on both ends:  while the company has the benefit of cheap labor, often including child labor, the workers may steal parts and re-sell them.  There seems to be a big quantity of klickys and klicky parts in Malta that get re-sold and I suspect that these court cases are an attempt to stop the sale of these "hot" klickys.  Playmobil could end this in an instant if they did all of their klicky assembly in factories (in Malta or elsewhere) that meet the same standards as Playmobil's German factories.

In other countries, the US for example, a straight customizing case like the one against Vicky Vassallo would never make it to court due to free speech protections.  I don't think we need to worry about it.
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Offline PrimusPilus

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 14:11:49 »
But then the case wouldn't be against "customization", but against selling illegally obtained parts. From what I read the Vicky Vassalo case) there was no mention to illegal parts, just the fact that sets and klickies were modified. And I doubt there is a Western country where it would be illegal to modify your own property, as long as no safety or cultural (racism, discrimination, etc) issues arise.

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2011, 16:11:06 »
And I doubt there is a Western country where it would be illegal to modify your own property, as long as no safety or cultural (racism, discrimination, etc) issues arise.

nope, sorry if you want to be racist or discriminate you are free to do those as well. I can show you whole upscale town full of people doing this, but giving an elaborate illusion otherwise  ::)

If I want to make a historically accurate WW2 custom of graphic nature I would like to see Geobra stop it. Idiots  :hehe: I do not take kindly to people or companies who practice in censorship. let freedom prevail
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Offline PrimusPilus

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2011, 16:22:08 »
Well, down here discrimination (religious, race, gender, etc) gets you prosecuted.

Offline stadswache

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2011, 20:05:12 »
In germany was last year a priest who made the (haning) of jezus.

there was a lawsuit against him.

I saw the picture. i can post the link not the picture.

it was becouse of religion.
and becouse he had burnd the arms to bent it??
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Offline tahra

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2011, 20:09:27 »
In germany was last year a priest who made the (haning) of jezus.

there was a lawsuit against him.

Ridiculous. They need (another) hobby, me thinks.

Offline WarriorOfToys

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Re: Selling customized sets forbidden?
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2011, 20:32:20 »
But then the case wouldn't be against "customization", but against selling illegally obtained parts. From what I read the Vicky Vassalo case) there was no mention to illegal parts, just the fact that sets and klickies were modified. And I doubt there is a Western country where it would be illegal to modify your own property, ...

Same here! :eh?:
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